

Databases for documents

Below are the online databases as part of the Library and archives


United Nations Official Document System (ODS)
Systematic collection of all the documentation produced by the United Nations. The documentation has been available since 1993, while the resolutions of the General Assembly, the Security Council and other bodies are available since 1946.

United Nations Treaty Collection (UNTS)
Series of treaties submitted to the Secretary General of the United Nations.

ILOLEX, Database of International Labour Standards
Database in English, Spanish and French, containing conventions, recommendations, information on the status of ratifications, opinions and numerous other documents produced by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

ICRC databases on international humanitarian law
Section of the International Committee of the Red Cross dedicated to international humanitarian law, including treaties and other documents since 1856. The database also collects the update on the status of ratifications and reservations of States as well as the Commentaries of the Geneva Conventions since 1977.

Council of Europe Treaties
Includes agreements and conventions produced by the Council of Europe, since 1949. Advanced search functions are available to consult the status of ratifications, declarations, reservations and reports of member States.

Incorporates the previous CELEX system and offers free and easy access to the largest documentary database of Community law in 20 languages. The system allows consultation of the Official Journal of the European Union: it includes, in particular, treaties, secondary legislation, case law and preparatory acts of legislation. It offers advanced search functions.

The website of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) offers documentary resources starting from 1975, the date of the establishment of the CSCE. Databases on specific topics are also available online (legislation on human rights, tolerance and non-discrimination, election monitoring).

Organization of American States
Includes agreements and conventions produced by the Organization of American States, since 1948. Search functions are available by year and by theme. It offers further links to databases and resources relating to the Americas.

The Avalon Project
Provides a collection of documents, including treaties and other historically relevant materials on human rights.

Minnesota Human Rights Library
Catalogues over 60,000 documents, including: international treaties, regional instruments, bibliographies, guides, teaching aids, thematic documentation, internet links, training and work opportunities.

Union of International Associations
The Union of International Associations (UIA) is a research institute and documentation center founded in 1907, based in Brussels. It publishes annually The Yearbook of International Organizations; available online by subscription, along with other freely accessible databases on: international organizations; global problems; human development; human values; bibliography.

International human rights information and documentation systems (HURIDOCS)
Information, communication and documentation systems for the promotion and protection of human rights, aimed at non-governmental organizations, research centers, and in general organizations that use the Internet to find or disseminate information on human rights. Curated by Hurisearch, a search engine that indexes over 5,000 websites on human rights.

University Library Center of the University of Padua
In addition to the catalogs of the University library system, it offers a valuable collection of links to sites of general interest for research and references to various bibliographic services (catalogues, databases, scientific journals), directly accessible from the University network.


research university


Human Rights Centre