

Online reviews which need subscription

Reviews (with subscription) that can be accessed from the Library 

Artificial Intelligence and Law
This journal contains information on theoretical or empirical studies in artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, jurisprudence, linguistics, or philosophy. Issued by Springer Netherlands.

Asia-Pacific Journal On Human Rights And The Law
It is the world’s only law journal offering scholars a forum to present comparative, international and national research dealing specifically with issues of law and human rights in the Asia-Pacific region.

Civil Wars
The journal has a broad academic and intellectual remit designed to be both multi and interdisciplinary. Issued by Taylor & Francis Group.

Common Market Law Review
This pre-eminent journal brings examination of the most pressing and far-reaching issues on European Union Law. Edited by Kluwer Law International.

Community Development Journal
Published four times a year and circulated in over 80 countries, the journal provides an international forum for political, economic and social programmes, which link the activities of people with institutions and government. Published by Oxford University Press.

Constitutional Political Economy
It offers a forum for research in the broad area of constitutional analysis. Published by Springer Netherlands.

Crime, Law and Social Change
Peer reviewed journal that publishes essays and reviews addressing the political economy of organized crime whether at the transnational, national, regional or local levels anywhere in the world. Issued by Springer Netherlands.

Criminal Law Forum 
Journal dedicated to the advancement of criminal law theory, practice, and reform throughout the world. Published by Springer Netherlands.

Development Policy Review
It is the refereed journal that makes the crucial links between research and policy in international development. Edited by staff of the Overseas Development Institute.

Diritti Umani e Diritto Internazionale
An instrument for interdisciplinary remark on human rights and international law. Issued by Franco Angeli Editore.

Diritto Immigrazione e Cittadinanza
Quarterly promoted by the Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (Associazione per gli studi giuridici sull’immigrazione) (ASGI) and by Democratic Magistrature (Magistratura Democratica) which offers itself as an instrument of information and elaboration on migration topics. Issued by Franco Angeli Editore.

European Foreign Affairs Review
The review focuses on the political legal and economic aspects of the Union's external relations. Published by Kluwer Law International.

European Journal for Education Law and Policy
It is designed to exchange information on education systems and national education law, to present views on education law and policy, and to interpret and comment on the education policy of the European Union. Edited by Springer Netherlands.

European Journal Of International Law
The journal is firmly established as one of the world's leading journals in its field. With its distinctive combination of theoretical and practical approaches to the issues of international law, the journal offers readers a unique opportunity to stay in touch with the latest developments in this rapidly evolving area. Issued by the Oxford University Press.

European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
Journal that monitors crime trends in today’s enlarged Europe and beyond. Issued by Springer Netherlands.

European Public Law
The journal provides a detailed analysis of constitutional and administrative law. Published by Kluwer Law International.

Feminist Legal Studies
The review is committed to an international perspective and to the promotion of feminist work in all areas of law, legal theory and legal practice. Edited by Kluwer Law International. 

Foreign Policy Bulletin
A primary source documentation in American foreign policy and international affairs. Issued by Cambridge University Press.

Global Governance
The journal showcases the expertise of leading scholars and practitioners concerned with the processes of international cooperation and multilateralism. Published by Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Global Jurist
It offers a forum for scholarly cyber-debate on issues of comparative law, law and economics, international law, law and development, and legal anthropology. Issued by The Berkeley Electronic Press.

Human Rights Case Digest
In this journal, all significant cases before the European Court of Human Rights are summarized, with a statement of the relevant violation, the principal facts of the case, details of the proceedings, a summary of the judgement, and the composition of the Chamber. Issued byMartinus Nijhoff Publishers.

Human Rights Law Review
Publication of critical articles that consider human rights in their various contexts, from global to national levels, with a section dedicated to analysis of recent jurisprudence and practice of the UN and regional human rights systems. Published by the Oxford University Press.

Human Rights Quarterly
The quarterly provides up-to-date information on important developments within the United Nations and regional human rights organizations, both governmental and non-governmental. Issued by The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Human Rights Review
The review provides a forum where human rights issues and their underlying theoretical and philosophical foundations are developed and debated. The journal, edited by Springer Netherlands, publishes articles and essays from all academic areas.

I Diritti dell’Uomo – Cronache e Battaglie
The journal, issued every four months by the Unione Forense per la tutela dei diritti dell’uomo, has an high-level purpose of critical information and documentation for jurists, human rights’ practitioners, academics and non-governmental organizations in Italy and abroad.

Information Notes on the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights
Monthly on the case-law contain, among other items: analytical summaries of judgments, decisions and communicated cases of special interest. Issued by Carl Heymans Verlag KG.

International Human Rights Reports
The report, published four times a year by the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, collect primary source materials on human rights matters, including human rights treaties promoted by the UN and other documents adopted within the UN and other international organisations.

International Journal of Children's Rights
The journal deploys the insights and methodologies of all relevant disciplines, including law, legal and political theory, psychology, psychiatry, educational theory, sociology, social administration and social work, health, social anthropology, economics, theology, and history to further children's rights in all parts of the world. Issued by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

International Journal of Constitutional Law
Quarterly that focuses on comparative constitutional issues and examines an array of theoretical and practical issues, offering critical analyses of current debates. Published by Oxford University Press.

International Journal of Refugee Law
The journal serves as an essential tool for all engaged in the protection of refugees and finding solutions to their problems. It regularly provides key information and commentary on today's critical issues. Issued by Oxford University Press.

International Journal of Transitional Justice
The journal, edited by Oxford University Press, publishes high quality, refereed articles in the rapidly growing field of transitional justice.

International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
The review is devoted to interdisciplinary studies of the legal, political, economic and social problems which minorities and indigenous peoples face in all countries of the world. Issued by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

International Law Forum du Droit International
Originally the independent quarterly journal of the International Law Association published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. It is now issued as International Community Law Review.

International Migration
The review covers the entire field of policy relevance in international migration, giving attention not only to a breadth of topics reflective of policy concerns, but also attention to coverage of all regions of the world and to comparative policy. Published by John Wiley & Sons, on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

International Migration Review
An interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects of sociodemographic, historical, economic, political, legislative and international migration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, on behalf of the Center for Migration Studies.

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
Journal presenting articles on ethical issues confronting agriculture, food production and environmental concerns. Published by Springer Netherlands.

Journal of Conflict and Security Law
Refereed journal that aims to a further understanding the areas of arms control law, the law of armed conflict and collective security law, but also to promote the study of the interfaces and relations between them. Issued by Oxford University Press.

Journal of Conflict Resolution
Interdisciplinary journal that focuses largely on international conflict, but also explores a variety of national, intergroup and interpersonal conflicts. Issued by SAGE Publications.

Journal of Consumer Policy
The journal examines the behavior of consumers and producers, and fosters communication among parties in the marketplace. Issued by Springer US.

Journal of Human Rights
The review serves as an arena for the public discussion and scholarly analysis of human rights, broadly conceived. Published by Taylor & Francis Group.

Journal of Human Rights Practice
This journal aims to capture learning and communicate the lessons of practice across professional and geographical boundaries, within and beyond the human rights mainstream, and to provide a vehicle for innovative national and local practitioners world-wide who currently lack a platform for sharing their expertise internationally. Issued by Oxford University Press.

Journal of International Arbitration
Each issue contains in depth investigations of the most important current issues in international arbitration. Published by Kluwer Law International.

Journal of International Criminal Justice
It aims to promote a profound collective reflection on the new problems facing international law. Edited by Oxford University Press.

Journal of Peace Research
Interdisciplinary and international peer reviewed bimonthly journal of scholarly work in peace research. Published by International Peace Research Institute.

Journal of Refugee Studies
It provides a forum for exploration of the complex problems of forced migration and national, regional and international responses. Issued by Oxford University Press.

Law and Ethics of Human Rights
It is a journal of human rights law and its intersection with political theory and policy. 

Law and Human Behavior
It is a multidisciplinary forum for the publication of articles and discussions of issues arising out of the relationships between human behavior and the law. Edited by Springer US.

Law and Philosophy
It serves as a forum for the publication of work in law and philosophy that is of common interest to individuals in the disciplines of jurisprudence and legal philosophy. Issued by Springer Netherlands.

Le Monde Diplomatique
Monthly review focused on international issues with a critical point of view on topics neglected by the press.

Minori Giustizia
Interdisciplinary review aimed to analyse and deepen the relation between children and justice. Published by Franco Angeli Editore.

Missione Oggi
The review, issued by Centro Saveriano Animazione Missionaria, reports on the activities of missionaries worldwide.

Muslim World Journal of Human Rights
The only peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the pressing question of human rights in the Muslim world. 

Negotiation Journal
Journal committed to the development of better strategies for resolving differences through the give-and-take process of negotiation. 

Netherlands International Law Review
It addresses relevant topics and recent trends in private and public international law and comparative law. 

Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
The quarterly is an academic publication which contains scholarly articles on human rights issues and the promotion and protection of human rights in international law from authors from around the world. Published by Sage Journals.

New Global Studies
It publishes original and innovative research on the contemporary phenomena of globalization. Issued by De Gruyter.

Non-State Actors and International Law
The object of this journal is to further understanding of non-state actors and their relationship inter pares and with state actors. It discontinued in 2005 and is now published as International Community Law Review.

Peace Economics, Peace Science And Public Policy
It publishes innovative methods and analyses focusing on the understanding of the causes of peace and its promotion. Published by De Gruyter.

The review, published every four months by Il Mulino, collects studies and researches on political and social phenomena of italian current events.

Poverty & Public Policy
It addresses all the complex aspects of poverty, income distribution, and welfare programs around the world. Published by Policy Studies Organization.

Refugee Survey Quarterly
The quarterly, issued by Oxford University Press, serves as an authoritative source on current refugee and international protection issues.

Revue Trimestrielle Des Droits De L'homme
The quarterly, focused on human rights, provides a periodical analysis of human rights’ situation in the national and international jurisprudence. Issued by Editions Nemesis a.s.b.l..

Security and Human Rights
Quarterly journal devoted to issues inspired by the work and principles of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

Sipri Yearbook
The yearbook is a compendium of data and analysis in the areas of security and conflicts, military spending and armaments, non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. Issued by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

The International Journal of Human Rights
It covers an exceptionally broad spectrum of human rights issues: human rights and the law, race, religion, gender, children, class, refugees and immigration. In addition to these general areas, the journal publishes articles and reports on the human rights aspects of: genocide, torture, capital punishment and the laws of war and war crimes. Issued by Taylor & Francis Group.

The Law and Development Review
It is the first international journal devoted to the impact of the law and legal institutions on economic and social development. Published by De Gruyter.

Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
The yearbook provides a truly international forum for high-quality, peer-reviewed articles, commentaries on current developments, reports on state practice, and documentation that have international humanitarian law as their focal point. Issued by Springer.

World Competition 
The review examines all aspects of competition policy from, primarily, a legal perspective, but also from an economic point of view. Issued by Kluwer Law International.


Reviews (with subscription) that can be accessed from the Library using log-in

Arab Law Quarterly
The leading English-language legal publication in its field, Arab Law Quarterly covers all aspects of Arab laws, both Shari'a and secular. Published by Brill.

European Energy and Environmental Law Review
Monthly journal which presents comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in environmental law throughout Europe. Edited by Kluwer Law International.

European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
The review offers an international and comparative perspective on crime, criminal law and criminal justice in Europe. Published by Brill. 

European Journal of Health Law
It focuses on the development of health law in Europe: national, comparative and international. Edited by Brill. 

European Journal of Migration and Law
Quarterly journal on migration law and policy with specific emphasis on the European Union, the Council of Europe and within the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Edited by Brill. 

International Negotiation
The review examines negotiation from many perspectives, to explore its theoretical foundations and to promote its practical application. Edited by Brill.

Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy
Journal's mission is to address legal and political issues concerning the human race's interrelationship with and management of wildlife species, their habitats, and the biosphere. Issued by Taylor & Francis Publication.

Nordic Journal of International Law
It is the principal forum in the Nordic countries for the scholarly exchange on legal developments in the international and European domains. Issued by Brill.

Review of Central and East European Law
It critically examines issues of legal doctrine and practice in the CIS and CEE regions. Published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

The International Journal of Children’s Rights
It reflects the perspectives of a broad range of disciplines and contribute to a greater understanding of children's rights and their impact on the concept and development of childhood. Issued by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.


research university


Human Rights Centre