
Padova Model UPR

Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022

The Padova Model UPR is an annual academic simulation of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a unique United Nations (UN) mechanism which reviews the human rights records of all UN Member States. This unique programme offers participants an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms and dynamics of the UPR procedure held in Geneva through active participation. It provides interested students with an opportunity to learn about this important mechanism outside of the classroom.

The Padova Model UPR offers students from around the world a unique opportunity to learn about human rights, democracy and diplomacy in an interactive and engaging manner. It is the original, and most comprehensive, academic simulation of the UPR. By assuming the roles of State delegates, NGOs, and National Human Rights Institutions, participants will gain an understanding of the UPR procedure, which involves assessing States’ human rights records and addressing human rights violations. Professors of the University of Padova and Padova’s Human Rights Centre, along with the student Secretariat, will provide professional guidance and support throughout the event, including delivering a training programme. Participating teams will be assigned different roles, including: serving as representatives of States under Review, the Troika States, Reviewing States, as well as representing Civil Society Organisations. Further, to provide a full realistic experience, participants will also interact within the UPR Working Group and the sessions of the Human Rights Council. During the simulation, participants will review and analyse the human rights performance of the concerned States, participate in the interactive debate, and adopt the final lists of accepted and noted recommendations.

The Padova Model UPR is organised by an international team of students and former delegates, with the coordination of professors from the Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca” and the MA Degree Programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance (HRG). It is supported by the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI), the Archive "Peace Human Rights" of the University of Padova, and the UN and NGO experts.

Usually held on-site at the university, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic the 2020 and 2021 editions were conducted entirely online, thereby challenging participants to adapt to the same circumstances many UN Member States, their representatives, INGOs, and UN employees faced over the past year. Amid all the difficulties of a transition to an online programme, the online simulations were a great success and received many compliments from the OHCHR and the UPR Info.

We are thrilled to announce the 2022 edition will be held entirely on-site, with full compliance with the operational COVID-19 protocols and guidelines adopted to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion.

The Fifth Annual event will be held from 22-25 November 2022, and there are no fees for participation.

The Padova Model UPR is open to university students who are in the final year of their undergraduate studies, as well as postgraduate students in a relevant field (including law, human rights, and international relations). The operational language of the Padova Model UPR is English.

You can learn more about the operational guidance for the implementation of the Padova Model 2022, by downloading our MODEL UPR HANDBOOK. 

Padova Model UPR 2022

Watch the playlist of the simulation 

How to apply

The application is open from 16 May to 9 October 2022

Deadline Extension: 19 October 2022

Who can apply?

- All International (European and Non-European) students older than 18 years of age;

- Bachelor students (must have completed at least 2 years), Master's students and PhD students, preferably in the fields of Political Sciences, Human Rights, International Relations, Social Sciences or Legal Studies;

- We give priority to applications in teams.

What are you waiting for? We look forward to welcoming you!

Modalities of participation

As a team representing States

6 Teams representing States – each team with 4 members as delegates and up to 2 more members as researchers (optional, and their participation can be remote during the simulation days)
- States represented for the 2022 Padova Model UPR are listed as follows:

  • Azerbaijan
  • Cameroon
  • Canada
  • Colombia
  • France
  • Nigeria

Competency in languages that may help authentically represent a State is beneficial and should be considered when applying.

Individually or in pairs representing NGOs or NHRIs

6 Teams representing International NGOs/ local NGOs – each team with 1 member as NGO representative and 1 member as researcher (optional, and their participation can be remote during the simulation days)
- International NGOs represented at the 2022 Padova Model UPR are listed as follows:

  • Friends of the Earth International
  • Front Line Defenders
  • Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
  • International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs
  • Minority International
  • Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

6 Teams representing NHRIs – each team with 1 member as NHRI representative and 1 member as researcher (optional, and their participation can be remote during the simulation days)

  • Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsman) (Azerbaijan)
  • National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms (Cameroon)
  • Canadian Human Rights Commission (Canada)
  • Defensoria del Pueblo (Colombia)
  • Commission Nationale Consultative des Droits de l’Homme (France)
  • National Human Rights Institution (Nigeria)

Outline of the main phases

1) Preparatory phase: October-November 2022

20.10: Announcement of selected participants and disclosure of information regarding which State, NGO or NHRI they will represent.

21.10 Deadline of confirmation of participation

Training Session and Special Event (online): 

24.10 from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m. (CET) Special Event: A representative from UPR Info presents the UPR Process in practice. 
From 4.00 to 6.00 p.m. (CET) Training Session 1: General information and Written assignments

Week 30 Oct.-4 Nov. 2 hours (Time TBC). Q&A session

8.11 from 12.00 to 1.00 p.m. (CET) Special Event: Ambassador Federico Villegas – President of Human Rights Council - UPR in practice. From 1.00 to 2.30 p.m. (CET) Training Session 2: Gameplay & Q&A

2) Simulation phase: 22-25 November 2022 (Padova)

22.11 from 1:00 to 4:30 pm (CET): Pre-session.

23.11 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (CET): Working Group session.

24.11 Lobbying (online)

25.11 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (CET): Human Rights Council Plenary Session Item 6, Awards & Closing Ceremony. 


You can stay up-to-date on the 2022 simulation, including the launch of the application process, by following us on social media (@humanrightscentreFB eventFB of the MA).


Covid-19 note:
The event will be conducted on-site; however, in the event that COVID-19 regulations do not permit in-person participation, the Padova Model UPR may be held online. Participants will be updated when further information becomes available. 

Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022
Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022
Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022
Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022
Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022
Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022
Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022
Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022
Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022
Padova Model UPR, 5° edition, 22-25 November 2022



Padova Model UPR


Human Rights Centre Opportunities for students MA Degree Programme