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First disability high level group report on implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

European Commision Disability High Level Group (2008)


: European Union

Document Type

: Report


: European Commission


: Brussels


: 49


: EN

Abstract / Table of Contents


1. State of play on signature and ratification of the Convention and Optional Protocol in Member States
2. Actions undertaken by the Member States to implement the UN Convention
3. Actions undertaken by the stakeholders to support implementation of the UN Convention
4. Common challenges and solutions identified by Member States and stakeholders with regards to the implementation of the Convention
Annex 1 - Table with the state of signatures and ratifications/conclusion
Annex 2 - Responsible authorities, focal points, coordination mechanism and contact points
Annex 3 - Links to websites with more information on the UN Convention


: File PDF

Last Update

1 Apr 2010