
Into the new millennium: inclusion international’s millennium development goals

Tipologia documento
Other Documents (Article, presentation, toolkit, code of practice, …)
Inclusion International
Abstract / Indice dei contenuti

1.1 Introduction and Overview 3
1.2 Situating Inclusion International’s Millennium Development Goals in the UN MDGs 4

Review of II MDGs
2.1 Eradicating Extreme Poverty of People with Disabilities and their Families 5
2.2 Achieving Universal Primary Education for ALL Students 6
2.3 Promoting Gender Equality for Women with Disabilities 7
2.4 Reducing Child Mortality Rate Among Children with Disabilities 7
2.5 Achieving the Rights of Children with Disabilities and Families 8
2.6 Combating HIV/AIDS Among People with Disabilities 8
2.7 Ensuring Environmental Sustainability for People with Disabilities 8
2.8 Developing a Global Partnership for Development and Inclusion 9

Existing Commitments to Inclusion & Human Rights
3.1 Existing Commitments to Inclusive Education 10
3.2 Existing Commitments to the Human Rights of Children with Disabilities 10
3.3 Existing Commitments to the Human Rights of People with Disabilities 10

Conclusion & Policy Recommendations
4.1 Conclusion 11
4.2 Promoting Policy Dialogue on Poverty & Disability 11
4.3 Promoting Policy Dialogue on Education & Disability 11
4.4 Promoting Policy Dialogue on Gender & Disability 12
4.5 Promoting Policy Dialogue on Pre- and Post-Natal Care 12
4.6 Promoting Policy Dialogue on Rights of Children with Disabilities and their Families 12
4.7 Promoting Policy Dialogue on HIV/AIDS & Disability 13
4.8 Promoting Policy Dialogue on Human Rights & Disability 13

Situations of risk & humanitarian emergencies
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