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FRA Report 2021: The coronavirus pandemic and fundamental rights: A year in review

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights released the 2021 annual Report analysing the struggles to protect Human Rights in the EU in the past year. The spotlight is given to the chapter on Coronavirus and its impact on people's daily lives, especially vulnerable and marginalised people. :

The Report recommends that governments deliberate with Human Rights Bodies on how their public health actions can have positive as well as negative consequences. They should: 

  • boost the resilience of educational, healthcare and social support services to meet everyone’s needs;

  • adopt digital solutions, bridge the digital divide and tackle disinformation;

  • pay attention to high-risk groups like those in care, detained or homeless;

  • ensure fair and equal access to vaccines.

Other topics approached are Racism, Migration and Child Rights. The pandemic incited a growth in hate crimes, hate speech, disrespect to fundamental rights at the borders and brought to light inequality in access to education, in particular children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The report summarises and analyses major human rights developments in the EU in 2020. It contains proposals for action covering the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and its use by the Member States; equality and non-discrimination; racism and related intolerance; Roma inclusion and equality; asylum, borders and migration; information society, privacy and data protection; child rights; access to justice; and implementing the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD).