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FRA: published report on migration situation in the EU

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights has published a report regarding concerns and improvements of migrants rights, asylum seekers and refugees. Assessing the EU Member State’s legal and practical responses to the situations. 

On a number of aspects, the report analyzes the progress being made in different areas. 

Access to asylum has improved by shortening the legal procedures but some obstacles still remain such as the time length of the procedures for assessing asylum seeker’s cases . Dignified living conditions remain challenging to be granted to all asylum seekers and refugees. It also analyzes the situation of children, in particular regarding the guardianship for unaccompanied children, the education they must receive in the host countries. Despite progress there are still problems regarding minor detention, disappearances and access to decent reception conditions. Cultural integration is also assessed, trying to prevent racism, lower administrative barriers for integration in the local communities, reunification policies, and the EU long-term residence status still remains underutilized. Detention regime is also considered, litigation in EU level solves some cases but not all reach those instances to be solved, some inadequate facilities for detention are still operating and alternatives for the detention regime are still underused. Ultimately return procedures are also considered. There are some gaps when considering risks of returning asylum seekers to serious harm in their home countries. 

The report is full of key trends, promising practices and persistent concerns regarding the EU migratory regulations

Find the full report here 

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