Region of Veneto: available the 2013 Annual Plan for decentralised cooperation to development and international solidarity
The International Relation Department of the Region of Veneto, in order to promote the spreading and knowledge of the 2013 Annual Plan that implements the triennial Plan of Action for decentralised cooperation and solidarity, has made available the presentation of the plan presented last 30 august 2013 in Venice.
The presentation describes the objectives, geographical priorities and action strategies identified in the 2013 Annual Plan. It provides, moreover, useful information on the presentation of funding requests, on the requisites of promoter organizations and on admissibility and evaluation criteria.
The 2013 Annual Plan and the regional initiatives of international cooperation and solidarity have been approved with Deliberation no. 1337 of 30 July 2013. Call for tenders for international cooperation projects and fair trade initiatives have been published on BURV no .75 of 30 August 2013.
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