Fairtrade: new map to identify the major human rights and environmental risks

Fairtrade's new risk map identifies and visualizes major human rights and environmental risks in the sectors where Fairtrade operates, based on commodities, geography, and the organizations' impacts on people and the environment. It also helps to understand how these risks are closely linked with their root causes, such as poverty, inequality, and exploitation. It also shows how accurate risk assessment and collaboration with farmers and workers are critical to sustainable supply chains.
One in five workers globally live in poverty, agricultural production is responsible for 70 percent of freshwater withdrawals worldwide, child labor is on the rise-and the list of problems could go on, making it clear that human rights violations and environmental damage are widespread in global supply chains.
Currently the risk map covers coffee, cocoa, bananas, wine grapes and honey. It will be expanded to other products in the coming months.
The map supports all actors in global value chains in assessing risks, from farmers' and workers' organizations to retailers and brands. In particular, European companies are increasingly required by law to conduct such risk assessments and to prevent, mitigate, and remediate major risks in their supply chains. It also provides detailed information to support solution-oriented dialogue and collaboration among all actors in a supply chain. It offers companies valuable guidance on where to direct their sustainability efforts and support.
Fairtrade encourages all companies to use the new map as an opportunity to engage in dialogue with farmers and workers and take concrete steps to make global supply chains more sustainable.