ILO: Workers’ health at risk due to climate change

Climate change is probably the most imminent challenge that humanity is going to be facing. Its impact is already visible in many areas, such as the working sector.
The new report of the International Labour Organization (ILO) “Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate” finds that the work sector has already been affected.
The new report reveals that climate change creates a series of serious health hazards for more than 70% of workers worldwide. These health risks include cardiovascular and lung diseases, cancer, kidney issues and negative impacts on mental health.
One of the major causes of health risks is excessive heat, which will be affecting approximately more than 2.4 billion workers. However, there are also other factors that, combined together, will create a so-called “cocktail of hazards”, such as UV radiation, air pollution and pesticides.
In the report, an analysis of country experiences on new practices, legislation and responses towards the working environment situation is included.
The ILO recognises working in a safe and healthy environment as a fundamental right. OSH Team Lead at the ILO, Manal Azzi declares that “occupational safety and health considerations must become part of our climate change responses – both policies and actions.”
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