Nominations for the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence 2024

UNESCO invites all individuals, civil society actors, governmental and non-governmental entities to propose candidates for the 2024 edition of the “UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence” by 22 July 2024 (at midnight, GMT+2).
UNESCO will receive proposals for change makers who are leading meaningful action for peace and tolerance in societies worldwide.
Awarded every two years, on the International Day for Tolerance (16 November), the Prize is marked by a Ceremony in November and the Laureat is presented with the award of USD 100,000 to further their action for peace and tolerance in societies worldwide.
Do not miss this opportunity to highlight the work of deserving individuals or entities, to support them by nominating them, and to share this call among your relevant networks.
Please find attached the Nomination Form in English and French.
Self-nominations are not considered, and references are requested within the application process.
For more information, visit the UNESCO website
Nomination Form in English
Nomination Form in French