The United Nations # StandUp4HumanRights campaign talks about the Padova Model UPR 2019

In 2018, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights launched the worldwide campaign "#StandUp4HumanRights" to calls on individuals and communities, especially the youth, to support, spread and defend human rights. The campaign collects stories and witnesses of people who have "stood up" for someone else's human rights, or who realised promoted projects to educate and raise awareness on human rights. Celebrities and ordinary people are featured in a dedicated website.
In these weeks of January 2020, the front page of the UN standup4humanrights highlights hosts an article about the Padova Model UPR 2019, a project run by the Human Rights and Multilevel Governance Master's Degree with the support of the Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca". A big promotion for the University of Padova, and a nice way of standing up 4 human rights!
We invite you to read the article at the link below.