UN Experts' Report on Law Enforcement Violations Against Africans and People of African Descent

In Report A/HRC/57/71 of August 23, 2024 gathered by UN Human Rights Council appointed experts, highlights the persistent issue of systemic racism faced by people of African descent within various law enforcement and criminal justice systems. Akua Kuenyehia, chairman of the independent expert mechanism on advancing racial justice, emphasized that broad impunity continues to prevent victims from achieving justice and accountability. The report details how victims' rights to truth, justice, reparations and assurances against recurrence are often neglected.
In order to address these issues, said experts recommend states implement effective reporting and investigation procedures, establish independent oversight groups for law enforcement and create supportive measures for victims and communities. Expert member Víctor Rodríguez Rescia stated, "This is long overdue," urging states to invest in robust institutions that ensure justice and reparations for victims.
The experts will present this report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva, alongside findings from visits to Brazil and Italy, which also reveal instances of racial profiling and police violence. The reports include specific recommendations aimed at enhancing accountability for law enforcement in these countries.
In particular, the UN experts' report on Italy showed several issues related to law enforcement, such as racial profiling during identity checks and searches. This practice, along with the disproportionate incarceration of people of African descent, fuels stereotypes that associate people of African descent with crime, exacerbating systemic racism. Experts recommend collecting disaggregated data to monitor and address these disparities and ensuring greater transparency and justice.
The independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council monitor global human rights situations, operating independently from any government or organization, and serve without a salary.