The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA)

GRETA was established under Article 36 of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (‘Warsaw Convention’) and has the function of monitoring the implementation of the obligations contained in the Convention. A similar function is attributed to the Committee of the Parties, composed of representatives of the States Parties to the Convention at the CM of the CoE.

The GRETA is composed of 15 independent experts with recognised expertise in the field of human rights, assistance and protection of trafficked persons, or professional experience in the areas covered by the Convention.

The monitoring procedure is divided into cycles of four years each. GRETA initiates dialogue with countries that have ratified the Convention through the administration of a questionnaire to national authorities, supplemented by any requests for information. If deemed necessary, GRETA may request additional information from civil society organisations or acquire it directly through country visits. The draft report prepared by GRETA on the monitored country is sent to the Government for comments. Once comments are received, GRETA prepares a final report with its conclusions and sends it to the country concerned and to the Committee of the Parties at the CM of the CoE. The Committee of the Parties may adopt recommendations on the basis of the GRETA document. Each country appoints a contact person to cooperate with GRETA.

