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Contents tagged with key-word:   United Nations

Campaign Logo with "50th Anniversary of the Human Rights Covenants"
[Institutional Contents]

Looking beyond the 50th Anniversary of the Covenants. What Interdependence and Indivisibility of Human Rights?

University of Padova, 13-14 December 2016 On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the UN covenants on economic, social and cultural rights and on civil and political rights, the Human Rights ...

Last update 12 Mar 2021

The Declaration on the right to peace is in the pipeline to the General Assembly of the United Nations

Antonio Papisca, Marco Mascia (2016)

Human Rights Academic Voice

Last update 30 May 2019

Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2016

AA.VV. (2016)

Annuario italiano / Italian Yearbook

Last update 2 Mar 2021
logo UniPD


  The pin lists the main sources cited in the In-Depth Analysis on Religion and Human Rights.   An-Na’im, Abdullahi A. “Islam and Human Rights”. In Religion & ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
logo UniPD

Official Websites

  The pin lists the main official websites of international, regional, intergovernamental, non-governamental and religious organisations cited in the In-Depth Analysis on Religion and Human ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
Interreligious Dialogue

Interreligious Dialogue

European Union European Commission - Dialogue with churches, religious associations or communities and philosophical and non-confessional organisations For the first time in European Union (EU) ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
International conference “Religions and Human Rights”, Padua (Italy), April 14-15, 2016

Religion and the International Human Rights Standards

Over the last decades, the process of international standard-setting has played a crucial role in fostering the protection and promotion of religious rights and liberties. International human ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
National banners of the Member States of the UNO (United Nations Organization) outside the UN Headquarters.

Religion and the Human Rights Machinery

United Nations At the United Nations (UN) level, there are two Special Rapporteurs and a treaty body dealing with the promotion and protection of religious rights and freedoms, adopting different ...

Last update 4 Aug 2016
A session of the UN Security Council (2009), the participants seated around a circular table.
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: Italy elected as a non-permanent Member of the Security Council

On the 28th of June, the General Assembly of the United Nations elected 5 non-permanent member countries of the Security Council of the United Nations for a period of two years, starting from 1 ...

Last update 5 Jul 2016
Logo of the Foundation Paz sin fronteras
[Events and Updates]

Peace has your signature: Foundation Peace Without Borders launched a petition for the right to peace

Foundation Peace Without Borders (Paz Sin Fronteras) launched the “Peace has your signature” initiative. It consists of a petition to demand to the UN Human Rights Council to adopt a ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
HRG students at the 25th session of the Universal Periodic Review
[Photo Galleries]

Study Trip to the International Organizations in Geneva A.Y. 2015/2016

Study trip to Geneva for the students of the Master Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance From 8 to 12 May 2016, the students of the Master Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level ...

Last update 4 Jun 2020
External view of the Palace of Nations in Geneva. A globe stands in front of the Palace, the work of sculptor Paul Manship, a metal sphere, the inside of which contains figures representing the zodiac weaved with one another.
[Events and Updates]

8th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition, Geneva, 18-20 July 2016

The Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, in collaboration with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and other partners, is organizing ...

Last update 1 May 2016
Dr. Giampiero Griffo, European Disability Forum
[Photo Galleries]

The shadow report in Italy: the civil society participation on monitoring UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Conference by Dr Giampiero Griffo, March 14th, Aula Nievo, Palazzo Bo, University of Padua

The MA Degree Programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance has organized a meeting with Dr Giampiero Griffo, Board member of the European Disability Forum. After a brief introduction given ...

Last update 15 Mar 2016
Filippo Grandi
[Events and Updates]

United Nations: Filippo Grandi of Italy is the new High Commissioner for Refugees

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, following consultations with the Chairs of Member States regional groups, informed the General Assembly of his intention to appoint Filippo Grandi ...

Last update 4 Dec 2015