Peace Human Rights Governance (VOL. 3, NO. 3 November, 2019)
A multi- and inter-disciplinary human rights journal
AA.VV. (2019)
Publication Typology
: Peace Human Rights Governance Journal (PHRG)Number
: VOL. 3, NO. 3 (November, 2019)Publisher
: Padova University PressCity
: PadovaPages
: 414ISBN
: EISSN 2532-3474 - ISSN 2532-649X Language
: ENContent
Ann Skelton, Benyam Dawit Mezmur, Technology Changing @ a Dizzying Pace: Reflections on Selected Jurisprudence of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and Technology
pages 275-305.
Marta Picchi, Surrogate Motherhood: Protecting the Best Interests of the Child in Light of Recent Case Law
pages 307-331.
Ino Kehrer, Cuts into Children’s Future: a Comparative Analysis between FGM, Male Circumcision and Intersex Genital Surgeries
pages 333-363.
Magdalena Ratajczak, Elena Galzignato, Migrant Children and Cyber-violence. The Problem of Hate Speech in Italy and Poland
pages 365-388.
Ling Han, New Technologies in Combating Child Trafficking in China: Opportunities and Challenges for Children’s Rights
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