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Logo for the 25th Anniversary of the Human Rights Center of the University of Padua (1982-2007).
[Institutional Contents]

Presentation of the Centre

The University Human Rights Centre, established in 1982, intends to contribute to the actualisation of that which is explained in Article 1.2 of the Statute of the University of Padova, which ...

Last update 30 Jan 2017
A globe map, above the picture the word "cooperazione allo sviluppo" (development cooperation) stands for the active role of the Region of Veneto on cooperation and international solidarity

Interventions of cooperation for development and international solidarity

Programmatic tools The Triennial Programmes, approved by the Regional Council and by proposal of the Regional Government, and the Annual Plans, adopted by the Regional Government, are the two ...

Last update 11 Mar 2019
Meeting of Project Daphne partners on "Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Young People in Europe. An Educational Toolkit for Teachers and Students", september 2006. Around the table, from left: Paolo De Stefani, Francesca Vietti and Paola Degani
[Institutional Contents]


Since its foundation, the main purpose of the Human Rights Centre and of UNESCO Chair Human Rights, Democracy and Peace’s research activity has been to contribute to the in-depth analysis and ...

Last update 4 Sep 2017
Detail of the logo of the Archive Peace Human Rights

Functions and Activities

The Regional Archive Peace Human Rights aims to disseminate information about the activity of civil society associations and promote the creation of networks and communication channels with the ...

Last update 27 Jan 2017

Committee for the Cooperation for Development

The Committee for the Cooperation for Development was established by Regional Law No. 55/1999, Art. 14. The Committee is tasked with participating in writing triennial programmes, annual plans, ...

Last update 11 Mar 2019
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Other Reviews

African Human Rights Law Journal The journal deals with topics relating to human rights that are of relevance to Africa, Africans and scholars of Africa. Edited every six months by Juta & ...

Last update 27 Jan 2017
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Online reviews which need subscription

Reviews (with subscription) that can be accessed from the Library  Artificial Intelligence and Law This journal contains information on theoretical or empirical studies in artificial ...

Last update 27 Jan 2017
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Online reviews for free consultation

African Human Rights Law Reports The African Human Rights Law Reports contains legal decisions of relevance to human rights law in Africa. These include selected domestic decisions from the whole ...

Last update 27 Jan 2017
Brochure for a university refresher course: "Human Rights and Disability: equal opportunity, non-discrimination and management", Padua, 2006
[Institutional Contents]

University Refresher Courses on Human Rights and Disability

By request of eminent organisations for the rights of persons with disabilities, during the A.Y. 2005/2006, the Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples delivered the ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
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Regional conferences

Article 20 of Regional Law n. 55/1999 supports the promotion of a biennial conference on issues concerning human rights, culture of peace, and decentralized cooperation for development. Art. 20 - ...

Last update 11 Mar 2019
The outline of two doves characterize the logo commemorating the tenth anniversary of the "Legge Regionale" 55/1999, which calls for regional assistance in the promotion of human rights, a culture of peace, cooperation in its development, and solidarity.

Veneto Today for the World of Tomorrow

The fourth edition of the "Regional Conference for Development Cooperation, International Solidarity, Human Rights and the Culture of Peace” was held in Treviso at the Casa dei Carraresi, on ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
[Institutional Contents]

United Nations: International Day of Peace 2014. Saturday 20th September 2014, a meeting at the University of Padova was held, attended by mayors, in support of the human right to peace

On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, Saturday 20th September 2014, there will be a meeting at the Archivio Antico del Palazzo del Bo, University of Padova, in support of a United ...

Last update 28 Mar 2019
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[Institutional Contents]

Special High Education Training Courses for Experts in Civic Education, Human Rights, Citizenship, Constitution

The aims of the courses, according to the new discipline introduced by the Italian Law n. 169 of 30 October, 2008, are: a) assisting the development of professional educators in the areas of civic ...

Last update 26 Jan 2017
Pie chart on Reports and relations on the implementation of the Regional Law 55/1999

Reports and relations on the implementation of the Regional Law No. 55/1999

In this page relations and reports on the implementation of the Regional Law No. 55/1999 are available

Last update 11 Mar 2019
Paperback cover of Regional Conference "La regione del veneto per i diritti umani, la pace e la cooperazione allo sviluppo", Padua, 2002. Drawing of a book with two hands gathering on centre-stage, on background Balbi palace, head office of Regional Counc

Committee for Human Rights and a Culture of Peace

The Committee for human rights and a culture of peace was established by Regional Law n. 55/1999, Art. 12. The Committee has the task of contributing to the development of triennial programmes, ...

Last update 11 Mar 2019