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Tawakkol Karman, Premio Nobel per la Pace 2011
[Events and Updates]

Freedom is Peace is Freedom, Padova Freedom Lecture Friday 4 June

Friday 4 June at 5 pm we invite you to the Padova Freedom Lecture - Freedom is Peace is Freedom, by Tawakkol Karman, winner of Nobel Peace Prize 2011. After the meeting with the French philosopher ...

Last update 4 Jun 2021
Michelle Bachelet (on screen), UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, addresses the 30th Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the “Grave Human Rights Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”, at Palais des Natio
[Events and Updates]

Human Rights Council Establishes International Commission of Inquiry to Investigate Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel

On 27 May 2021, the Human Rights Council (HRC) established an international commission of inquiry to investigate violations leading up to and since 13 April 2021and all underlying root causes of ...

Last update 3 Jun 2021
Service Civil International logo
[Events and Updates]

Service Civil International online course "Peace Education in Practice"

Service Civil International (SCI) has created a new online course titled “Peace Education in Practice”. Through this course, participants can better understand what peace is and how to ...

Last update 4 Jun 2021
[Events and Updates]

1 June - International Conference on Climate Justice

The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence – Climate Justice and the international research team “Climate Change, Territories, Diversity“of the University of Padua are pleased to invite ...

Last update 4 Jun 2021
Logo Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

An Analysis of The Critiques to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: The Contribution of the Encyclical Laudato Si’ of Pope Francis

Laura Bontorin holds a master's degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance from the University of Padova. This In Focus article is an excerpt from her master thesis discussed, in March 2021, ...

Last update 26 Mar 2024
Humanitas podcast
[Events and Updates]

The Student Engagement Team launches a new podcast

The Student Engagement Team (SET), a social promotion association established by a group of master’s degree students from the Human Rights and Multilevel Governance (HRG) program at the ...

Last update 25 May 2021
Humanitas podcast
[Audio Collections]

Humanitas Podcast by Student Engagement Team (SET)

The Student Engagement Team (SET) has launched its new “Humanitas Podcast”, aimed at becoming a space for human rights advocates to discuss developments within the field and tips on how to make ...

Last update 21 May 2021
Headquarters of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg (France).
[Events and Updates]

Democracy is in distress, finds the Council of Europe Secretary General’s annual report for 2021

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe has published its annual report for 2021, titled “State of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. A democratic renewal for Europe.” ...

Last update 20 May 2021
Quarto Indice regionale sul maltrattamento all’infanzia immagine
[Events and Updates]

Regional Index of child maltreatment in Italy 2021

Cesvi Foundation has presented its 4th Regional Index on Child Maltreatment in Italy with a specific focus on COVID-19 and mental health. The report evaluates the vulnerability of children to ...

Last update 20 May 2021
SET community conversation, May 21. Palestine and Israel, the current affairs under a Human Rights perspective
[Events and Updates]

Palestine and Israel, the current affairs under a Human Rights perspective -- SET Community Conversation, 21 May

The Student Engagement Team (SET) is organising a community conversation on Zoom, May 21st, at 16:45, on the topic of Palestine and Israel, the current affairs under a Human Rights ...

Last update 20 May 2021
Equality in the EU 20 years on from the initial implementation of the equality directives. Image
[Events and Updates]

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA): published the report on "Equality in the EU 20 years on from the initial implementation of the equality directives"

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has presented a report-opinion titled “Equality in the EU 20 years on from the initial implementation of the equality directives”. It ...

Last update 14 May 2021
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe: Committee for the Prevention of Torture warns against impact of austerity measures on prison conditions

The Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) has issued a set of minimum requirements for conditions of detention in European prisons, concerned by the negative ...

Last update 14 May 2021
Thursday, May 13 - 17:00 Peaceful demonstration for a ceasefire and defence of human rights in Colombia, Porta Portello, Padua
[Events and Updates]

Peaceful demonstration for a ceasefire and defence of human rights in Colombia, Thursday 13 May at 5 pm, Porta Portello, Padova

In Padua, in Porta Portello, on Thursday 13th May 2021, a peaceful demonstration will be held in defence of the human rights of the Colombian population. A day to understand the conflict, enjoy art, ...

Last update 13 May 2021
Learning by experience: Knowledge and experience on Israel and Palestine conflict, University of Padova, June-July 2019
[Events and Updates]

Let's make peace in Jerusalem

There is only one way to end the terrible violence that is bloodying Jerusalem and the Holy Land: to recognise the Palestinians with the same dignity, the same freedom and the same rights as we ...

Last update 13 May 2021
[Events and Updates]

FRA: Call for applications for the Traineeship Programme 2021-2022

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has announced the call for applications for the paid 10-month Traineeship Programme 2021-2022. This traineeship scheme is addressed mainly to ...

Last update 10 May 2021