Convention document legal analysis

A legal commentary on the draft convention text produced by the working group for the UN ad hoc Committee on a comprehensive and integral international Convention on the protection and promotion of the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities
ONG - Società civile
Tipologia documento
Altri Documenti (Articolo, presentazione, manuale, linee guida, …)
Abstract / Indice dei contenuti

This document is intended to facilitate the legal analysis of the draft convention text produced by the Working Group for the UN Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities. The analysis places the draft convention text and footnotes in a column on the left-hand page of the document, and provides a brief commentary on the relevant provision in the right-hand column. Specifically, the commentary provides coverage of: (1) references to comparable precedents in existing international treaties or other international legal instruments; (2) strengths of the text; and (3) possible omissions for consideration by the Ad Hoc Committee.

This document is intended to be a tool to assist those participating in the development of the convention. Its analysis is not exhaustive and the omission of any particular points or issues does not indicate an opinion regarding their value or need for inclusion in the convention.

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