Double Burden: a situation analysis of HIV/AIDS and young people with disabilities in Rwanda and Uganda

Tipologia documento
Altri Documenti (Articolo, presentazione, manuale, linee guida, …)
Save the Children - UK
Abstract / Indice dei contenuti

Acknowledgements 5

Abbreviations 6

Foreword 7

Executive summary 9 -

Background 9 -

Aims 9 -

Research 9 -

Findings 9 -

Implications 10 -

Recommendations 11

1 Background review and current situation 13

1.1 Global HIV/AIDS epidemic background 14

1.2 HIV/AIDS and disability 15

1.3 Barriers faced by people with disabilities that contribute to vulnerability for HIV 17

2 Aims of situation analysis 23

3 Methods 25

3.1 Research teams 25

3.2 Study design 25

3.3 Data collection 26

3.4 Data analysis 28

3.5 Limitations 29

3.6 Feedback visit 30

4 Findings from Uganda 32

4.1 Overall impression of the understanding about HIV/AIDS by young people 32

4.2 Sources of information about HIV/AIDS 33

4.3 HIV/AIDS knowledge of young people: symptoms, transmission and prevention 37

4.4 HIV Voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services 42

4.5 Disability and sexuality 44

4.6 Abuse, rape and sexual coercion 44

4.7 Summary of findings from Uganda 48

5 Findings from Rwanda 51

5.1 Overall impression of the understanding of HIV/AIDS by young people with disability 51

5.2 Sources of information about HIV/AIDS 53

5.3 HIV/AIDS knowledge of young disabled people: Symptoms, transmission and prevention 54

5.4 HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services 58

5.5 Disability and sexuality 59

5.6 Sexual abuse 62

5.7 Summary of findings from Rwanda 63

6 Discussion and recommendations 65

6.1 Level of knowledge on transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS 65

6.2 Sex education and rights 68

6.3 Vulnerability of people with disabilities in relation to HIV/AIDS 69

6.4 Summary 70

6.5 Recommendations 71

References 74

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