International Norms and Standards Relating to Disability

Tipologia documento
Altri Documenti (Articolo, presentazione, manuale, linee guida, …)
Abstract / Indice dei contenuti

a) General International Norms Pertaining to Persons with Disabilities
b) Specific Rights Pertaining To Persons with Disabilities

Part I. National Frameworks for the Protection of the Rights of Disabled Persons
1.1 Sources of International Law
1.2 The Role of Custom
1.3 The Role of Treaties
1.4 International Law in Municipal Law
1.5 Locating Human Rights Law in Municipal Law
1.6 Two Basic Conceptions about Constitutions
1.7 International Law and Municipal Law Interface
1.8 The Role of the Constitution in Municipal Law
1.9 The Supremacy of the Constitution
1.10 Judicial Review of Legislation
2. The Legislative Process
2.1 Equal Protection
2.2 Affirmative Action
2.3 Integration Policy: Education and Professional Training
2.4 Health care and Social Security
2.5 Housing
2.6 Fashioning Remedies for Violations of the Right of Persons with Disabilities
3. Remedies for Rights Violations
3.1 Due Process
3.2 Locus Standi
3.4 National Courts
3.3 Recourse Procedures at the National Level
4. Responsibilities of States
4.1 Collection of Statistics
4.2 Awareness-raising
4.4 Ombudsman
4.5 National Committees
4.3 Policy-making and Planning
4.6 Personnel Training
4.7 The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations
4.8 NGO Action Before Submission of a Report
4.9 NGO Participation in the Reporting Process in the Context of the Examination by a Treaty Body
4.10 NGO Action Following Examination of a Report
4.11 NGO Monitoring
4.12 Special Rapporteur

Part II. The International Human Rights System
1. Introduction to the International Human Rights System
1.1 Exhaustion of Local Remedies
1.2 Disability Rights at the International Level
2. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
2.1 Review of provisions
2.2 Reporting Procedure Under the ICCPR
2.3 Emergency Procedure Under the ICCPR
2.4 Individual Communication Procedure
3. The International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
3.1 Review of provisions
3.2 1503 Procedure of the Economic and Social Council
4. The Convention on the Rights of the Child
4.1 Review of provisions
4.2 Reporting Procedure
4.3 Thematic Consideration of Issues
4.4 Missions
5. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
5.1 Review of provisions
5.2 Reporting Procedure
5.3 Exceptional Reporting Procedures
5.4 Complaint Procedure
6. The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment
6.1 Review of Provisions
6.2 Reporting Procedure
6.3 Investigative Procedure
6.4 Individual Complaints Procedure
7. The International Labour Organization (ILO)
7.1 The Complaints Procedure
7.2 ILO Provisions on the Rights of the Migrant Worker
8. Other International Norms and Standards
9. Other International Mechanisms
9.1 The Commission on Human Rights
9.2 The Commission on the Status of Women
10. Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
10.1 Persons with disabilities and armed conflicts
10.2 Human Rights in Times of Emergency
10.3 Civilians and Persons Hors de Combat
10.4 Special Protection for the Wounded and Sick
10.5 Victims of Land Mines and Armed Conflicts

Part III. The Regional Human Rights System
1. Europe
1.1 The Council of Europe - instruments
1.2 The Council of Europe - Remedies under the European conventions
1.3 Economic Commission for Europe
1.4 The European Union
2. The Americas
2.1 The Inter American Convention on Human Rights
2.2 Inter- American Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities
2.3 The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
2.4 The Inter-American Court of Human Rights
3. Africa
3.1 African Human Rights Instruments
3.2 The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
3.3 Africa Decade of Disabled People ( 2000-2009)
4. Asia
4.1 Regional Seminars and Meetings
4.2 Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities (1993-2002)
5. Other Regional Organizations
5.1 The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
5.2 The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
5.3 The Economic Commission for Africa
5.4 The Economic Commission for Latin America

Part IV. Towards a Rights Based Perspective on Disability
1.1 Right to Liberty and Security of the Person
1.2 Right to Equal Protection Before the Law
1.4 Right to be Free from Torture
1.3 Right to Freedom of Assembly
1.5 Right to Freedom of Expression
1.7 Access to the Judicial System
1.9 Freedom of Religion
1.8 Participation in Political Life
1.10 Access to Information
1.11 Right to Private and Family Life
1.12 Property Rights
1.13 Freedom of movement
1.14 Right to Seek Asylum
2. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
2.1 Right to Work
2.1.1 General provisions on the right to work
2.1.2 Right to Develop Work Skills
2.1.3 Equitable Recruitment Measures and Policies
2.1.4 Fair and Equitable Employment Conditions
2.2 Right to Education
2.2.1 Access to Education
2.2.2 Quality of Education
2.2.3 Integrated Education
2.2.4 Special Education
2.2.5 Teacher Training
2.2.6 Vocational Training
2.3 The Right to Health
2.4 Right to Social Security and Social Services
2.4.1 Right to Social Security
2.4.2 Social Security and Insurance related to Employment
2.4.3 Social Services
2.5 Right to an Adequate Standard of Living
2.5.1 Housing
2.5.2 Food
2.5.3 Transportation
2.6 Right to Social Integration
2.7 Right to Participate in Cultural Activities
2.8.1 Information on Standards of Accessibility
2.8 Right to an Accessible Physical and Information Environment
2.8.2 Access to Public Places
2.9 International Co-operation

Part V. Persons with disabilities and multiple discrimination - Rights of special groups.
1. Rights of the Child
1.1 General International Instruments Pertaining to the Rights of the Child
1.2 General Regional Instruments Pertaining to the Rights of the Child
2. Rights of the Youth
3. Rights of the Aged
4. Rights of Women with Disabilities
4.1 The Situation
4.2 International Norms Concerning Women with Disabilities
4.3 Regional Instruments Pertaining to Women with Disabilities
5. Rights of Refugees with Disabilities
5.1 Rights of Refugee Children
5.2 Rights of Refugee Women
5.3 Regional Instruments Applicable to Refugees
6. Rights of Indigenous Populations
7. Rights of Ethnic Minorities
8. Rights of the Poor
8.1 Disability and Poverty
8.2 United Nations instruments and measures for the eradication of poverty
9. Rights of Migrant Workers
9.1 United Nations Provisions on the Migrant Worker
9.2 Regional Instruments Pertaining to the Rights of the Migrant Worker

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