International Conference Towards an inclusive governance of “EU fundamental values”, University of Padova, 8-9 November 2021
Event date: 8-9 November 2021
Venue: University of Padova

Current pitfalls and possible solutions for a consistent multi-level protection of the rule of law, democracy and human rights within and outside the EU'
The Conference aims to both exchange perspectives and critical views on the current state of play in EU efforts to promote and protect EU values, both within the European space and in the wider international context, and to discuss a number of prospective alternative solutions, or strategies, to make current and future EU efforts more effective and sustainable in the long term.
Confrimed speakers include: Dimitry Kochenov, Central European University, Budapest; Francesca Strumia, University of Sheffield, Laurent Pech, Middlesex University London; Giovanni Maria Flick, Emeritus President of the Italian Constitutional Court, Thomas Dumortier, Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme (CNCDH), Vladimir Medjak, European Movement in Serbia.
The Conference is organized by Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, in collaboration with the Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, and the UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” of the University of Padova.
Events partners include the following institutes: School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Department of Law, University of Zagreb (Croatia), Human Rights Consortium, University of London (UK), UNESCO International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels and UNESCO Chair "Human Rights and Human Security" University of Graz (Austria), Institute of International Studies, University of Wroclav (Poland), and Institut des Droits de l’Homme, Lyon Catholic University (France).
The event is planned to take place in hybrid format with speakers and audience both in presence and online, consistent with Covid-19 regulation in place at the time of the Conference.
Tutte le informazioni sulla conferenza e sulla call for papers sono disponibili, e in continuo aggiornamento, nella versione inglese del sito.
Recording Plenary Session: Setting the frame: Towards an inclusive governance of “EU fundamental values”, 8 November 2021
Recording Roundtable: Current challenges to EU values and possible solutions: a Multi-level perspective, , 9 November 2021