International Human Rights Day 2022: Caring for Human Rights, today and tomorrow, University of Padova, 5 December 2022
Event date: Monday 5th December 2022,
Time: 10:00
Venue: Aula Magna "Galileo Galilei", Palazzo Bo, Università di Padova

Celebrating the 40° anniversary of the Human Rights Centre
In preparation for the 75° anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" of the University of Padova celebrates the International Human Rights Day on Monday 5th December from 10:00 - 13:00
The event will be held in Aula Magna "Galileo Galilei" of Palazzo Bo and it will start with an address of the Rector of Padova's University, Daniela MAPELLI.
Human Rights are under attack. Like never before war, the pandemic, climate change effects and global tensions are stressing the local, national and international systems of protection of Human Rights. At the same time, the current asset calls for strenghtening Human Rights, expand the spaces for civil society and promote accoutability/participation of the institutions.
The event aims to raise awarness through the partecipation of various speakers that will bring their testimonials regarding the challenges of Human Rights in different areas such as: war, poverty, environment, violation of womens and migrants rights, younger generations.
Registration of participants
Welcome address
Daniela MAPELLI, Rector of the University of Padova
Francesca BENCIOLINI, Council Member for "Diritti Umani, alla Pace e alla Cooperazione internazionale", Padova's Municipality
First of all peace
Marco MASCIA, President of the Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papsca", UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” University of Padova
Caring for Human Rights
Moderator Flavio LOTTI, Director of "Coordinamento Nazionale degli Enti Locali per la Pace e i Diritti Umani", Coordinator of "Comitato promotore della Marcia PerugiAssisi della pace e della fraternità"
War is impoverishing us
Francesco CAVALLI, CEO ICARO Communication
Lorenzo RAMPONI, Director of "Caritas diocesana di Padova"
Lets stop ecological disaster
Roberto DE VOGLI, Professsor of Salute globale e psicologia del potere at Padova's University
Fighting for women
Mariangela ZANNI, President of "Centro Antiviolenza di Padova"
Investing in youth
Mateo Sebastian LUZURIAGA, Volunteer of "Servizio Civile Universale" in the Human Rights Centre
Paola MILANI, Professor of "Pedagogia generale", Director of "Laboratorio di Ricerca e Intervento in Educazione Familiare", University of Padova
We are all Brothers and Sisters
Luciano SCALETTARI, President ResQ – People Saving People
Truth and justice: lets defend the Human Rights Defenders
Giuseppe GIULIETTI, Founder of "Articolo 21"
Maria Motta, mother of MARIO PACIOLLA, UN International Observer found dead the 15th of July 2020 in San Vicente Caguàn, Colombia
Elisa Signori, mother of ANDREA ROCCHELLI, killed the 24th of May 2014 together with Andrej Mironov in Dombass, Ukraine, while conducting a journalistic work
Together for Human Rights
Coordina Monica FEDELI, Vice Rector of "Terza Missione e rapporti con il territorio", University of Padova
Andrea FERRARI, President of "Coordinamento nazionale degli Enti Locali per la Pace e i Diritti Umani"
Laura MILANI, President of "Conferenza Nazionale Enti per il Servizio Civile" (CNESC)
Guido BARBERA, President of "Coordinamento di Iniziative Popolari di Solidarietà Internazionale" (CIPSI)
Elisabetta NOLI, Global Campus of Human Rights
Enza PELLECCHIA, Coordinator of "Rete delle Università Italiane per la Pace"
Final remarks
The event is promoted by: Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani “Antonio Papisca” e Cattedra Unesco “Diritti Umani, Democrazia e Pace” dell’Università di Padova, Global Campus of Human Rights, Comune di Padova, Regione del Veneto, Rete delle Università Italiane per la Pace, Comitato promotore della Marcia PerugiAssisi, Coordinamento Nazionale degli Enti Locali per la Pace e i Diritti Umani, Rete Nazionale delle Scuole per la Pace, Tavola della Pace.