Pavel Nedved, former Golden Ball in 2003, meets the students of the degree and post-graduate Courses on human rights of the Univeristy of Padua, Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, 15 February 2011
Event date: 15 February 2011
Time: 3pm
Venue: Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, Aula Magna of the Department of Sociology, via Cesarotti, 10/12

In the framework of the Jean Monnet course "Sports and human rights in the European Union Law", the Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples, the UNESCO Chair "Human rights, democracy and peace" and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the University of Padua promote a meeting with Pavel Nedved, former Golden Ball in 2003, and flag and backbone of the Juventus club and of the Czech Republic national football team for many years.
During the meeting Nedved will present his autobiographical book "La mia vita normale. Di corsa tra rivoluzione, Europa e Pallone d'oro" ("My normal life. Rushing among revolution, Europe and Golden Ball", Add Publisher, 2010). Through this book, the great Czech champion, today sport manager and member of the Juventus's Board of Directors, chronicles the stages of his inspiring career since his childhood, which has been based on the values of sport fairness and ethics this making him an example for all football fans in general.
The meeting will be introduced by Prof. Antonio Papisca, Unesco Chair "Human rights, democracy and peace" of the University of Padua and moderated by Prof. Jacopo Tognon, holder of the Jean Monnet course "Sport and human rights in the European Union Law".
After the speeches by Pavel Nedved and by the publisher Michele Dalai, who has also co-authored the book, it will be possible to ask questions to the former Juventus player.
The meeting will be concluded by the speech of Prof. Marco Mascia, Director of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua.