Programme of the Conference

Monday 14 November 2022, Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico
9.00 Registration
9:30 - 10:00
Welcome addresses
Monica Fedeli, Vice-Rector for Third Mission and Relations with the local area, University of Padova
Marco Mascia, President, Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, University of Padova
Elena Pariotti, Director, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova
Alberto Lanzavecchia, Coordinator of the Ph.D Programme in "Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance" University of Padova
Short Introduction
Pietro De Perini, University of Padova
Opening Plenary Session
The Consequences of War and their Interdependence
Chair: Paolo De Stefani, University of Padova
The War in Ukraine from a Human Security Perspective
Wolfgang Benedek, University of Graz
The Shifting Approach of the EU between Normative Power and Strategic Autonomy
Karen E. Smith, London School of Economics and Political Science
Climate change as a driver of conflict and its human rights implications
Ian Fry, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change
Lunch break
14:30 - 16:00
Parallel Research panels
Panel 1 - Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico
The Consequence of War on Migration: Current legal and policy challenges in the field of forced migration
Chair: Gerd Oberleitner, University of Graz
Human security and individuals’ free movement under Union’s law: an updated overview in a global multi-faceted crisis
Alfredo Rizzo, INAPP
Refugee shelter: humanitarian response and the challenges to human security
Fabricio Borges Carrijo and Katarzyna Kość-Ryżko, Polish Academy of Sciences
A refugee is a refugee is a ... refugee? The differential and preferential treatment of beneficiaries of the TPD in light of international refugee and human rights law
Lisa Heschl, University of Graz
The Relevance of Perception over Temporariness of Emergency and Crafted ‘Migrant’ Identities in the European Response to Migration Originating from Conflict Situations
Elena Principe and Greta Albertari, University of Padova, Vrije University of Amsterdam
Panel 2 – Human Rights Centre, Library
The consequences of war on the rights of minorities
Chair: Corinne Lennox, University of London
Identity, religion and conflict: minority rights and transitional justice in Sri Lanka
Farah Mihlar, Centre for Development and Emergency Practice, Oxford Brookes University
Unintended consequences: impacts of accommodating Ukrainian refugees on asylum seekers in Ireland
Felicity Daly and Jacqui O'Riordan, University College Cork
Addressing the Consequences of War through the Council of Europe’s Minority Treaties
Elizabeth Craig, Sussex Centre for Human Rights Research, University of Sussex
Minority Rights in Latvia: the right to minority language education and the impact of the war in Ukraine
Lilija Alijeva, University of London
Panel 3 – Human Rights Centre, Iqbal Masih Room
The consequences of war on accountability for international crimes
Chair: Paolo De Stefani, University of Padova
The ICC’s relation with Colombia: Shaping Peace to satisfy justice?
Carlos Arturo Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, University of Padova
State of rapine. The impact of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Western Sahara’s Occupied Territories in time of war
Pablo Gutiérrez Vega, University of Seville
Streamlining the Relationship Between the International Criminal Court & Hybrid Tribunals
Sara Ochs, University of Louisville
The prospect of universal jurisdiction in relation to the Ukrainian case: moving forward or backward?
Carlotta Rossato, University of Padova
Crimes against humanity in the First Karabakh War: violations of international humanitarian law and effects of international media coverage on the documentation of mass killings of ethnic Azerbaijanis
Suliddin Baghirov, University of Wroclaw
Parallel Research Panels
Panel 4 - Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico
The Consequence of War on Migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on specific aspects of forced migration
Chair: Lisa Heschl, University of Graz
What Did People Lost When Their Homes Were Destroyed In Conflicts: Traumatic Effects Of The Loss Of Home As An Extended Self
Dilara Kına, Hacettepe University
Demographic Trends and Integrated Water Resources Management: Assessing the Causes and Dimensions of Forced Migration in the Riparian Countries of the Nile River Basin
John Baptist Onama, Senior Visiting Lecturer
Rethinking our commitment with peace and the care of the planet leaving no one behind
Ricardo Norberto Medina, Jaume I University
Gender lens on AI-driven systems in security and enforcement mechanisms
Monique Munarini, Taís Blauth, Eva Gengler, University of Padova, University of Groningen, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Panel 5 – Human Rights Centre, Library
The environmental consequences of war
Chair: Damien Short, University of London
Risk Society and the De-Securitization of Fracking in Colombia
Malayna Raftopoulos, Aalborg University
Canada Bridging the Global Oil Gap: The Interrelation of Environmental and Human Rights
Isabella Pacchiano, Human Rights Scholar
Environmental recovery after colonialism
Doug Specht, University of Westminster
The Ecocide – Genocide Nexus: Preventing Future Domestic Conflicts
Maria Carlotta Francesca Gorio, Vincenzo Pasquantonio, University of London
Environment-Conflict Nexus in the Sahel Region: Lake Chad as a Case in Point
Arushi Singh, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Panel 6 – Human Rights Centre, Iqbal Masih Room
The consequences of the war in Ukraine for Europe
Chair: Magdalena Ratajczak, University of Wroclaw
Feminism and Security: What's left of Human Security in Sweden?
Sofia Sutera, University of Padova
The foreign policy behavior of Central and Eastern European small States and its effects on the European Union
Máté Szalai, Ca’ Foscari University
The consequences of the war in Ukraine on the right to food
Cesare Augusto Placanica, Lawyer
Multifaceted discrimination against minorities under conditions of the war in Ukraine
Polina Sedova and Tatiana Krivobokova, University of Padova
Ukrainian Crisis and Human Security in Europe: A Universalist Approach
Manoj Fernando, University of Tasmania
Tuesday 15 November 2022
Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico
Plenary Round-Table
Bringing Human Security Back to the Global Political Agenda: the future of human rights, peace and multilateralism
Chair: Sara Pennicino, President of the MA Programme in “Human Rights and Multi-level Governance”, University of Padova
Kairat Abdrakhmanov, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Jean Fabre, United Nations Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy
Christina Kokkinakis, European External Action Service
Lena Simet, Human Rights Watch
Jihad Nammour, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Academic Coordinator of the Arab Master's programme in Democracy and Human Rights