Programme of the Conference

Monday 13 November 2023
Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo, University of Padova
9:30 - 10:00
Salutation and Short Introduction
Monica Fedeli, Vice-Rector for Third Mission and Relations with the local area, University of Padova
Marco Mascia, President of the Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca", University of Padova
Pietro de Perini, Coordinator of the Conference's Scientific Committee, University of Padova
Opening Plenary Session
Conceptualising Vulnerability in a Time of Human Rights Regression
Chair: Elena Pariotti, University of Padova
Baldassare Pastore, University of Ferrara
Mariagrazia Giammarinaro, former UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children
Jeremy Sarkin, NOVA University of Lisbon
Roberto De Vogli, University of Padova
Lunch break
14:15 - 16:00 - Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca", Via Beato Pellegrino 28, University of Padova
Research Panels - Session 1
Panel 1
Exploring the Intersections of Human Rights, Marginalisation, and Vulnerability
Chair: Peter Johansson, University of Gothenburg
The Fight against Child Labour: the challenges posed by Northern Ethnocentrism
Ludovica Aricò, University of Padova
Sociolegal constraints on local human rights institutions: Why local human rights institutions fail to protect residents in the Deep South Region of the United States
Vincenzo Pasquantonio, University of London
Legal Silence and the Concept of Law Regarding Gay People in Vietnam
Phuc Van Nguyen, University of Macerata
Vulnerability and International justice: access to justice for survivors of international crimes in the context of universal jurisdiction prosecutions
Carlotta Rossato, University of Padova
Contesting Commodification: Can human rights challenge Neoliberal conditions of human vulnerability
John Duncan, University of London
Panel 2
Vulnerability and the Ecosystem
Chairs: Damien Short, University of London and Kate Mackintosh, UCLA Law Promise Institute Europe
A cautionary word on words: Imagining Indigeneity in globalised environmental discourse
Sarah Capes, University of London
Ecocide in armed conflict – addressing extreme vulnerability through law
Kate Mackintosh, UCLA Law Promise Institute Europe
Settler colonialism and the environment in Al-Walaja, Palestine
Emma Pearce, University of London
In the Defence of Place: The Anti-Fracking Movement in the Provinces of Mendoza and Neuquén, Argentina
Malayna Raftopoulos, Aalborg University
The self(ie) in the Anthropocene
Doug Specht, University of Westminster
Panel 3
Vulnerability and Armed Conflicts
Chair: Gerd Oberleitner, University of Graz
Shielding the Vulnerable: Justice System Reforms for Conflict and Human Rights Challenges
Anna Adamska-Gallant, Wroclaw University
Vulnerability to Gender-Based Violence in the Aftermath of Earthquakes: Lessons from Turkey
Dide Ertuğrul, Save the Children and Hande Büyüknisan, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
The Peace that could have been? Power and limits of transformative justice to tackle vulnerability in the Colombian transition
Carlos Arturo Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, University of Padova
Towards Sustainable Peace: Protecting Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights of Victims of Gender-Based Violence in Post-Conflict
Erika Miyamoto, University of Barcelona
Fragile Rights and Humanitarian Needs in and around Sudan and Darfur - Could Responsibilities Become Clearer?
Abdulaziz Osman, UNAMID and UNFPA in Darfur, Sudan and Maria Nilsson, Linköping University
Urban Warfare's Costs: Vulnerabilities of Civilian Populations and the Shortcomings of International Humanitarian Law
Sara Yildiz, UNED
16:15 -18:00 - Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca", Via Beato Pellegrino 28, University of Padova
Research Panels - Session 2
Panel 4
Vulnerability and Migration
Chair: Magdalena Ratajczack, University of Wroclav
Reconsidering the legal protection of refugee women's right to housing under the CEDAW
Abiy Alemu Ashenafi, Centre for Human Rights, Pretoria
Reaching Actualization After Resettlement: A Grounded Theory Method and Geospatial Analysis of Afghan Integration in the Midwest United States
Elizabeth Salley, Saint Louis University
Sexual and Gendered Necropolitics at the U.S.-Mexico Border: ‘Penetrative Threats’ and (Re)production of Nationhood
Jessica Moss, Leipzig University, Wroclaw University
Forced Climate Migration of Indigenous Peoples
Marielys Padua Soto, Former Academic Programs Officer for the UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples' Rights
Human trafficking and vulnerability in mixed migrations flows: a case-studies reflection
Maria Dimou and Erika Oliva, Independent experts
Panel 5
Vulnerability in a Legal Context
Chair: Claudia Pividori, University of Padova
Challenges in Addressing Intersectionality and Vulnerability in the European Court of Human Rights’ Jurisprudence
Indira Boutier, AMU & University of London
Vulnerability in the Age of Proportionality: restriction of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
Carolina Braglia Aloise Bertazolli, Central European University
Approaches to Vulnerability in Times of Crisis
Mikaela Heikkilä and Maija Mustaniemi-Laakso, Åbo Akademi University
One step beyond: How recognition of systemic discrimination by the European Court of Human Rights could tackle vulnerability?
Inessa Sakhno, Utrecht University
Panel 6
Vulnerability Human Rights and the Cyberspace
Chair: Pietro de Perini, University of Padova
Vulnerability in the Digital Administrative State
Malou Beck and Anne Spijkstra, Tilburg University
Vulnerability as a Reflection of Criminogenic Asymmetries in Cyberspace
Agatha dos Santos Correia, University of Padova
Online harassment of women in politics
Kiran Hassan, University of London
Human Rights in Platform Governance: Normative Framework for Gendered Vulnerability
T. N. Anh Nguyen, University of Padova
Algorithmic vulnerability: challenges to human rights in the era of artificial intelligence
Aleksei Andronov, University of Padova
Safeguarding vulnerable data subjects - the crucial role of GDPR data protection principles
Daniel Mihail Șandru and Alexandru Georgescu, Romanian Academy
Tuesday 14 November 2023
Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo, University of Padova
10:00 -12:00
Plenary Round-Table
Vulnerability in a Time of Human Rights Regression: a Practice-oriented Perspective
Chair: Paolo De Stefani, University of Padova
Anna Brambilla, Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI)
Piergiuseppe Parisi, Centre for Applied Human Rights, University of York
Aleksandr Osinskyy, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, South Sudan
Kiran Hassan, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London
Corrado Mandreoli, ResQ - people saving people