trafficking in human beings
Project Description

The TEMVI project has been co-funded by the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of the European Union.
Grant: HOME/2013/ISEC/AG/THB/400000549
The project is led by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova with the support of 9 partners, 3 of which from foreign countries (France, Romania, Hungary).
The TEMVI project focuses on the knowledge and the development of best practices in the field of trafficking and forms of severe exploitation within forced criminal activities. The general objective is to create a European network, operating in France, Italy, Romania and Hungary, aiming at developing knowledge, training and best practices. More specifically, the project intends to:
- increase the knowledge on the phenomenon in the countries involved through quantitative and qualitative national research;
- develop multi-agency and human rights-oriented operational procedures for the identification, referral and assistance of victims of trafficking involved in forced criminal activities;
- provide multi-agency training and enhance the creation of a partnership of all relevant actors at all levels in each Country involved;
- raise awareness among the general public, the relevant actors, and also potential victims about the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings linked with illegal activities.
Partners of the project:
- University of Padova – Human Rights Centre (Italy)
- Municipality of Venice (Italy)
- Equality social cooperative (Italy)
- Volontarius association (Italy)
- Nuovi Vicini (Italy)
- La Strada – Der Weg association (Italy)
- Azalea (Italy)
- Association ALC (France)
- Hungarian Baptist Aid (Hungary)
- ADPARE (Romania)
Associates partners:
- Comunità dei Giovani (Italy)
- Ministry of Justice – National Anti-mafia Agency (Italy)
- Cinformi – Welfare and Labour Department, Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy)
- Autonomous Province of Bolzano (Italy)
- Municipality of Trento, Social Activity Service (Italy)
- Gruppo R (Italy)
- Punto d'Approdo (Italy)
- Centro Caritas dell'Arcidiocesi Udine (Italy)
- La Tenda onlus (Italy)
- Welcome Association (Italy)
- International Organization for Migration (Mission in Hungary)
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