Publication opportunities

The papers presented in the panels of the International Conference are encouraged to be submitted for the consideration of Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG) the University of Padova Human Rights Centre (double blind) peer-reviewed scientific journal.
PHRG is an open access human rights journal which aims to spread original contributions, both theoretical, methodological and empirical, to approach and understand current human rights issues while actively favouring the development of a solid multi- and inter-disciplinary, and multi-level approach to human rights research and dissemination.
The journal is indexed in Google Scholar, Ebsco Host, The Database of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) and is included in the Italian Ministry's (Anvur) list of scientifc journals for Areas 12 and 14.
The paper should be formatted following the guidelines for authors presented in the manuscript submission page of PHRG website and using the styles and structure in the template provided at that page. The deadline to submit the final manuscript is 21 January 2024.