
Disability and work

A trade union guide to the law and good practice
Tipologia documento
Trades Union Congress
Abstract / Indice dei contenuti

Trade unions can rightly be proud of our contribution to disabled people’s ongoing struggle to achieve equal rights. But achieving that objective remains a distant prospect.

One of the major obstacles continues to be that so many disabled people who want to work – and who can work – are unable to get or retain a suitable job. We understand that unions are in a good position to help change this situation, but that too many employers are still reluctant to play their part.

With disability discrimination law having undergone many changes in recent years, it is timely that we should produce new advice for the use of union officers and representatives on what the law has to say about disability.

This guide includes up-to-date case studies to show how the courts have interpreted the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), and recommendations of good practice in some of the major areas of working life where experience has shown that disabled people face the worst problems.

British society is changing fast in its willingness to recognise and celebrate diversity and difference, but all too often disabled people are being left behind.

The TUC recognises that there are many good examples of employers understanding and recognising the changes they need to make in order to offer a fair deal to disabled workers, but that many do not.

Disability at Work has been written to assist unions in challenging discrimination and in negotiating good policy and practice. We will all be stronger as a result.

Brendan Barber,
General Secretary,
Trades Union Congress

Work & employment
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