
Loud, Proud and Prosperous!

Report on the Mobility International USA International Symposium on Microcredit for Women with Disabilities
Tipologia documento
Mobility International USA (MIUSA)
Abstract / Indice dei contenuti

Mobility International USA is a non-profit organization which promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities in international exchange, leadership development, travel and community service.

Since 1981, MIUSA has conducted more than 50 international exchange programs for persons with and without disabilities from around the world, specializing in leadership development and advocacy for the rights of people with disabilities.

MIUSA also provides training and consultation and has published resource books, training manuals and videos to increase opportunities for people with disabilities to be involved in international activities.

As a member of InterAction, a coalition of over 150 private US-based, international relief, development and refugee agencies, MIUSA brings perspectives of people with disabilities to the US international development community.

MIUSA offers technical assistance and resources to InterAction members to develop practices and policies to ensure that all programs and projects are inclusive of people with disabilities.

As the National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchangeof the US Information Agency, MIUSA provides information and technical assistance to people with disabilities and international educational exchange programs to promote inclusion of people with disabilities in international exchange.

As a partner of the International Disability Exchanges and Studies (IDEAS) 2000 Project of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) of the US Department of Education, MIUSA contributes expertise on issues and leadership development of women with disabilities around the world.

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