Acronyms and abbreviations iv
Preface vi
I. Introduction to social analysis and disability 1
II. Key cross-cutting and cross-sector disability issues 9
III. Sector-specific disability issues 16
IV. Disability issues in the regions 25
V. Analytical framework for social analysis and disability 31
Social diversity and gender 31
Institutions, rules and behavior 32 Stakeholders 35
Participation 35
Social risk 37
VI. Integrating social analysis and disability into the project cycle 39
Project identification and design 40
Project preparation 42
Project appraisal 45
Negotiation and approval 48
Effectiveness and implementation 48
Supervision and monitoring’ 49
Mid-term review (mtr) 51
Implementation completion report (icr) 51
Annex 1: disability and the project cycle 53
Annex 2: checklists 55
Social analysis sector guidance note series
Annex 3: sample terms of reference (tor) for conducting social assessment and disability 64
Generic tor 64
ADB sample generic terms of reference for a social development specialist with expertise in disability 67
Annex 4: comparison of medical/charity and social/cultural models of disability 74
Annex 6: resources on disability issues 76
Annex 7: how international donors are addressing disability 80
References 82