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Logo Global Policy Forum

GPF - Global Policy Forum

The mission is to monitor the policies developed by the United Nations, promote responsibility for global decisions, educate and mobilize the global participation of citizens and support vital issues of international peace and justice. The site contains information,events, publications and podcasts.
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Logo The Sphere Project

The Sphere Project

The project represents a process aimed at developing good practices and accountability measures, is coordinated by the Red Cross and Red Crescent and involves numerous NGOs and humanitarian institutions. The site contains multimedia materials, news, documents, publications.
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Logo Convenzioni internazionali e norme consuetudinarie di diritto internazionale umanitario - Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa

ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross

An independent and neutral organization that operates worldwide, helping people affected by conflict and armed violence and promoting the laws that protect victims of war. Its mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949.
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Logo dell'associazione formato da tre profili di persona sovrapposti

HREA - Human Rights Education Associates

It is a point of reference for a wide worldwide network of bodies, institutes and centers for the training of teachers and educators on human rights issues. The site offers, among other resources, databases, distance learning courses and publications.
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Logo Associazione Diritti umani - Sviluppo umano

Human Rights Association - Human Development

Established in 1996, the association aims to enhance the theme of human rights in institutional policies and in civil society. It provides orientation and consultancy services, and offers internships for students of the University of Padua.
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International Crisis Group logo
© International Crisis Group

International Crisis Group

It was born in 1995 as an independent organization. It carries out analyzes on the most dangerous conflict situations and an advisory function for states in order to prevent or resolve violent conflicts. The site contains news, status reports, thematic factsheets, multimedia material and podcasts.
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Logo Convenzione sulla diversità biologica - CBD

CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity

The Convention entered into force in December 1993 and is inspired by the growing commitment of the international community to sustainable development. It represents a very important step towards the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components.
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Logo Gruppo di lavoro delle ONG su donne, pace e sicurezza

NGO working group on women, peace and security

It is an international network that promotes equal and full participation by women in efforts to maintain international peace and security. Created in 2000, it works for the implementation of Resolution 1325 and other Security Council resolutions on the subject.
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Logo Fondazione Anna Lindh per il dialogo tra le culture nell'area euromediterranea

The Anna Lindh Foundation

The Foundation was founded in 2005 to promote the meeting and dialogue between the different cultures around the Mediterranean in order to strengthen mutual knowledge and respect. The site provides information on events and initiatives related to the Foundation's activities.
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