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Logo Difensore civico regionale della Regione Toscana

Regional ombudsman of the Tuscany Region

The Tuscany Region was the first Italian region, in 1971, to include the figure of the ombudsman in its Statute. In addition to the annual report, and the report of the service offered by the Ombudsman, other documents, studies, research and statistics are available on the site.
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Logo Difensore civico regionale della Regione Piemonte

Regional ombudsman of the Piedmont Region

The institution of the ombudsman in Piedmont is foreseen by the regional law n. 50 of 1981. The site offers all the information on the activities of the Ombudsman, the annual report and numerous insights.
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Log Difensore civico regionale della Regione Valle D'Aosta

Regional ombudsman of the Aosta Valley Region

The Ombudsman is elected by the Regional Council, charged with protecting the subjective rights, legitimate interests and widespread interests as a guarantee of efficiency, correctness, impartiality and good performance of the Public Administrations.
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Logo Forum trentino per la pace e i diritti umani

Trentino Forum for Peace and Human Rights

Born in 1991, as a tool to keep vigilant attention on issues related to peace, human rights, solidarity and active citizenship to develop and rethink interventions and regulations.
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Logo Direzione relazioni internazionali, comunicazione e Sistar della Regione del Veneto

Directorate of International Relations, Communication and Sistar of the Veneto Region

The site offers information on the activities and commitments of the Region on various topics such as: international relations, decentralized cooperation, human rights, linguistic minorities and equal opportunities.
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Logo Garante nazionale dei diritti delle persone detenute o private della libertà personale

Italian Office of the National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Detainees and Persons Deprived of their Liberty

Italian Office of the National Ombudsperson for the Rights of Detainees and Persons Deprived of their Liberty
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Official logo of the Presidency of the Council of Ministries of The Italian Republic. Under the image is written; "Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca," or Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.
© Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri

Ministry of Education, University and Research

The site of the Italian Ministry of Education. The site contains documentation, publications, news, thematic insights and a press area.
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Logo Associazione delle Nazioni dell'Asia Sud-Orientale - ASEAN

ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by the Founding Fathers of ASEAN. The site offers news, information on the institutional structure and the issues addressed by the Organization, official documents, and external links.
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Logo Opportunità di studio e lavoro in ambito internazionale

International study and work opportunities

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers information related to the study, traineeship and job opportunities offered by the EAW, the European Union, international organizations and Italian educational institutions abroad.
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