
Deregulation, disastro mondiale. Commento al Messaggio di Benedetto XVI per la celebrazione della Giornata Mondiale della Pace, 1 gennaio 2009 «Combattere la povertà, costruire la pace»

Antonio Papisca (2008)
Pubblication type
Articolo / Saggio

Deregulation, World Disaster. Short Commentary on the Message of Benedict XVI for the Celebration of the World Day of Peace, 1st January 2009 «Fighting Poverty to Build Peace»

Antonio Papisca

Poverty is at the same time the cause and the result of harsh social conflicts and wars. Benedict XVI denounces this malignant spiral which is largely nurtured by a globalisation without rules. The Pope quotes his predecessor John Paul II to point out that globalisation «is notably ambivalent» and should be managed with great prudence. Pope Benedict warns that «soon or later, the distortions produced by  unjust systems have to be paid for by everyone».

The author’s commentary on the Message is that those who have campained and ruled for de-regulation and neo-liberism, are the main responsible of the ongoing world disaster. They are claiming for «new rules», but they are not credible to perform the task of founding fathers and mothers of a more just and peaceful world order. The management of world politics and economy cannot be left in their hands: this would perpetuate the prevailing of G8 or G20 over the legitimate multilateral institutions, primarily the United Nations. Bearing in mind the scandal of the twofold growing of extreme poverty and military expenditure, the first signal of change should be the commitment to quickly reform the United Nations in view of its strenghtening and democratising. And proper consideration should be given to a recent document of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations on «Guiding-principles on extreme poverty and human rights: the rights of the Poor» which highlights and updates the steering compass for a good global governance.

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peace poverty human rights