
Peace Human Rights Governance 6/2, Volume 6, Issue 2, December 2022

Explaining Access Tactics of Human Rights NGOs (HR NGOs) to Members of European Parliament (MEPs): Regarding the Human Rights Situation in Iran

Abdollah Baei Lashaki,, Alberto Lanzavecchia (2022)
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Articolo / Saggio

Exchanging of information defines how interest groups access the European Union’s (EU) legislative process. In the exchange process, interest groups, based on their abilities and interests, supply policymakers who are pressed for time and staff with relevant information for legitimate access to the EU legislative process. However, while we know about the determinants of access to policymakers based on the existing literature, the literature needs to be more active regarding the determinants of access to MEPs for HR NGOs regarding human rights issues, especially in third countries. Therefore, this research applied a qualitative approach to understanding the determinants of HR NGOs’ access to MEPs regarding the human rights situation in Iran. The research started with the question of what determines the access of HR NGOs to MEPs. This research shows that the informational needs of MEPs are crucial determinants of access to MEPs. Furthermore, the findings of this research indicate that besides the informational needs of MEPs, the tactic that HR NGOs employ to access MEPs is another crucial determinant of access to MEPs regarding the human rights situation in Iran.

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peace human rights NGOs / associations governance European Parliament Iran


Human Rights Centre