
Istituzioni di promozione e di garanzia per i diritti dei bambini: il Pubblico Tutore dei Minori

Lucio Strumendo (2004)
Pubblication type
Articolo / Saggio
115 - 122

Institutions for the promotion and the protection of children rights: the Children Ombudsperson
Lucio Strumendo

Human rights – namely children’s rights – need proactive politics and subsidiary institutions to be effectively implemented. This is repeatedly suggested by recommendations enacted by international organs and international instruments, first of all the Convention on the Rights of the Child (New York, 1989). One of the most innovative and remarkable human rights institutions under Italian law, the Children’s Ombudsman performs some specific functions namely: to promote culture and education, also as a form of preventing abuses; to listen to children and get aware of their need, in order to refer their case to the competent authority; to form and train legal guardians of children.
The Veneto is the first region in Italy that has established and actually experienced a Children’s Ombudsperson. The article provides an appraisal of the work done so far and presents some forward-looking scenarios.

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Children peace human rights Children Ombudsman Region of Veneto
