Academic Board

Members of the Academic Board of the Joint Ph.D Degree
Alberto Lanzavecchia (Coordinator)
University of Padova
Curriculum Vitae
Massimo De Marchi
University of Padova
Curriculum Vitae
Jonas Yawovi Dzinekou
University of Tangaza
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Pietro De Perini
University of Padova
Curriculum Vitae
Elisabetta Camussi
University of Milano Bicocca
Curriculum Vitae
Paola Degani
University of Padova
Curriculum Vitae
Maria Grazia Giammarinaro
Centre for Human Rights at the National University of Ireland
Curriculum Vitae
Maria Cristina Ginevra
University of Padova
Curriculum Vitae
Ivan Kopric
University of Zagreb
Curriculum Vitae
Maria Caterina La Barbera
Spanish National Research Council, Madrid
Curriculum Vitae
Costanza Margiotta
University of Padova
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Marco Mascia
University of Padova
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Laura Nota
University of Padova
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Elena Pariotti
University of Padova
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Mario Pomini
University of Padova
Curriculum Vitae
Linda Laura Sabbadini
Curriculum Vitae
Gabriella Salviulo
University of Padova
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Sara Santilli
University of Padova
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Stefano Solari
University of Padova
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Bharat Singh Thapa
University of Tribhuvan, Nepal
Curriculum Vitae
Ines Testoni
University of Padova
Curriculum Vitae
Gian Piero Turchi
University of Padova
Curriculum Vitae
Gianfranco Tusset
University of Padova
Curriculum Vitae
Katia Milan, Administrative manager and contact person (
An Academic Board made of representatives appointed by each Partner University will decide on the academic and administrative aspects related to the Ph.D programme.
The Academic Board supervises all the educational and research activities.
The Academic Board will draft and adopt its own rules of procedure. It will be convened at least once a year, if necessary via videoconference.
The Academic Board will fulfill the following duties according to partner Universities’ regulations:
- providing admission criteria and overseeing the initial admission of students;
- admitting of students to the following year of the programme;
- providing guidelines and supervising students’ final examination;
- developing the joint training and research framework programme;
- in accordance with the rules in force at the Home University, deciding to exclude a doctoral student from continuing the programme on the basis of the evaluation of his or her activities. A written explanation of any such decision shall be given;
- in accordance with the rules in force at the Home University, deciding on suspension of a student from doctoral activities;
- in accordance with the rules in force at the Home University, deciding on requests for extensions submitted by doctoral students, after having consulted the supervisor and co-supervisor(s).
The Academic Board will decide on any other matter regarding the co-operation project, e.g. appointment of the supervisor and co-supervisor(s), forms and methods of teaching, deadlines for the assessment of the activities and time schedule of the periods to be spent at the partner Universities.
The Academic Board is chaired by a Coordinator chosen from the members of the Coordinating University.