Poster of the manifestation, "Le strade della pace - una staffetta, una testimonianza" ("Paths to Peace - a relay race, a testimony"), held Saturday 2 March 1991 at Saint Nicholas Bridge.
Poster "Peace human rights network" which summarizes the various activities of the Human Rights Center on the occasion of its 20th anniversary in 2002
Notice for the 10th annual Post-graduate Course on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples "The Process of Globalization and Human Rights", Padua, 1998.
Flyer for the 11th annual Post-graduate Course on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples "Children's Rights on the 10th anniversary of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child", Padua, 1999.
Flyer for the 12th annual Post-graduate Course on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples "Human Rights, social politics, security in the era of globalization", Padua, 2000
Flyer for the 13th annual Post-graduate Course on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples "Human Rights in the City", Padua, 2001
Flyer for the 16th annual Post-graduate Course on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples, "Human Rights, Human Security and Active Democracy from the City to the UN", Padua, 2004.
Flyer for the 17th annual Post-graduate Course on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples "Human Rights, International Humanitarian Rights and Humanitarian Action in Situations of Emergency", Padua, 2005.
Notice for the 18th Post-graduate Course on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples "Rights, Institutions and the Practice of Glocal (Global/Local) Democracy", Padua, A.A. 2006/2007
Course description of the 19th Post-graduate Course on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples "Insitutional Civic Defense from the City to the European Union", Padua, 2007
Brochure for a refresher course at the University of Padua: "Human Rights and Disability. Instruments of Protection Within National and International Institutions", Padua, 2005
Brochure for a university refresher course: "Human Rights and Disability: equal opportunity, non-discrimination and management", Padua, 2006
Flyer for the Convention "Human Rights: promotion and training", promoted by the Human Rights Center of the University of Padua, Vcienza, Olympic Theater, March 1983.
Flyer for the study seminar "For the Right of Self-Determination of the Eritrean People. Italian Politics in the Horn of Africa", University of Padua, Bo Palace, 5-6 February 1988. Design of a man, woman and child.
Poster of the convention "Self-determination of peoples and a new international democratic order", University of Padua, Bo Palace, 17-18 March 1989.
Poster for the convention "The Spring of Beijing and the urgency of democracy, justice and peace in the world", University of Padua, Department of Political Science, 27 June 1989.
Poster for the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal Session, "The Conquest of America and International Law", Padua-Venice, 5-9 October 1992.
Poster for the convention: "Social Justice and Human Rights in the eighth centenary of Saint Anthony", University of Padua, Main Hall of Bo Palace, 20 June 1995.
Image of the presentation poster for the European Master in Human Rights and Democratization, 1997-1998 academic year.
Image of the poster for the convention, which was followed by a concert, entitled "The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union", Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice, 16 December 2000.
Poster of the gradutation ceremony for graduates of the European Master in Human Rights and Democratization, Venice, Ducal Palace, 17 September 2001
Image of the poster for the convention "Security and World Order: the human dimension", University of Padua, 17 June 2002. At the center of the flyer there is an image of Planet Earth with the African Continent at center.
Poster for the convention: "Ombudsman in the system of national institutions for human rights", University of Padua, 19-20 June 2002.
Poster of the convention "The Contribution of the Italian University to the European Convention and to the six-month Italian Presidency of the UE", University of Padua, 31 January 2003
Poster for the convention "I Diritti del bambino tra protezione e garanzie" (The rights of children between protection and guarantees"), 2003. University of Padua, Bo Palace, 28 March 2003.
Image of the poster of the "International Conference Homage to Truth. Human rights, weapons of mass destruction, disarmament in the Agenda of the United Nations". On this occasion, the honorary degree was awarded to Hans Blix.
Image of the poster for the convention "Communicating the European Constitution". University of Padua, Municipality of Padua, 4 March 2005.
Poster for the convention "Intercultural dialogue and human rights: Inclusive cities in an inclusive Europe", University of Padua, 24-25 March 2006.
Poster for the convention "A Proposal for the National Ombudsman of Children's Rights. Towards the institution of a guaranteed policy for children and adolescents in Italy".
Poster for the photographis exhibition: "Students under occupation. Photographic exhibition on the rights to education in the occupied Palestinian territories". The illustration at center depicts a student trying to overturn an armored tank.
Image of the poster for the International day of Human Rights 2007. University of Padua, Galileo Galilei Main Hall, Bò Palace, 10 December 2007.
Image of the poster for the seminars "Chair of the Three Religions". Padua, 16-24 May 2006
Immagine della locandina del corso "L'esperienza della democrazia: Costituzione e valori democratici", Padova, febbraio-marzo 1988.
Immagine della locandina del terzo Corso di Formazione: "L'Unione Europea per il dialogo interculturale e i diritti umani: verso una dimensione europea dell'educazione". Febbraio-aprile 2008.
A flyer for the meeting: "A proposal for the National Ombudsman for Children. Towards the institution of a system of guarantees for children and adolescents in Italy". Padua, 19-20 October 2006.
Image of a flyer for the conference: "Cappuccetto rosso nel bosco dei media," or in English "Little Red Riding Hood in the Media Forest." Padua, Old Archive, Palazzo del Bo, 2 April 2004.
Image of a Program from the concert: "Musiche per una professione di pace," or Music for a Profession of Peace. Padua, Chiese ei Servi, 10 December 2003.
Image of the poster for an event commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. University of Padua, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Magna, 26-27-28 May 1988.
Flyers and historic posters
Flyers and historic posters
Flyers and historic posters
Collection of flyers and posters of the most important initiatives promoted by the Human Rights Centre from 1982 to date.