1 June - International Conference on Climate Justice

The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence – Climate Justice and the international research team “Climate Change, Territories, Diversity“of the University of Padua are pleased to invite you to the first international seminar entirely dedicated to the themes of Climate Justice, which will be held on the 1st June, from 11:30 to 18:30.
The conference is organised in two sessions and it will host many international guests to discuss the priority issues of decarbonisation and fair energy transition policies. It is also the occasion when the academic world dialogue with both policymakers and civil society organisations.
The director of the Human Rights Centre, Prof. Salviulo, will speak about Human Rights and Climate Justice.
The conference will be held online via the ZOOM platform. To participate it is necessary to register at this link
For more details about the program, please check the website of the Conference as attached below.