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International Migrant Day 2022

18 December: International Migrant Day

18 December is International Migrant Day. In 2020 over 281 million people were international migrants while over 59 million people were internally displaced by the end of 2021. The reasons behind the moving of people are ancestral and multiple, but in recent years conflict, insecurity, and the effects of climate change, and war have heavily contributed to the forced movement whether within countries or across borders.

Migrants' lives are surrounded by marginalization, vulnerability and abuse and exploitation. The lack of safe and regular migration paths forces people to take perilous journeys, they are often the target of xenophobic attackas and their precarous life conditions prevents from enpjoying basic human rights: haousing, healthcare, dignified work conditions.

At the same time, migrants have proved to be an endless source of prosperity, innovation, and sustainable development to countries of origin, transit, and host countries. Through remittances they support their families and the market of origin countries and in the hosting country they invaluably contribute to the labour market, as proven multiple times in recent years. Their knowledge, networks, and skills have greatly contributed to the development of resilient communities.

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