IOM: The Annual Report 2021

The International Organization for Migration published its annual report 2021 on 7th of July. The Annual Report encapsulates the full range of IOM’s operations during the year to support migrants, displaced populations and other people on the move, as well continued work to realize the benefits of safe, orderly and regular migration.
The year was marked by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, in which IOM continued to address the significant health impacts on migrants, including through improved access to vaccination, and also to mitigate the broader socioeconomic impacts of the crisis.
The Annual Report reflects the breadth of IOM’s work in 2021. Despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM remained one of the largest agencies responding to crisis situations worldwide. In 2021, IOM’s work on the mobility dimensions of crisis had an operational reach of over 31.7 million people, including IDPs, refugees, migrants and host communities, either directly or as part of community-based programmes.
The report also reflects IOM’s capacity to adapt and mobilize in response to both new and protracted emergencies, develop innovative responses, and work across the spectrum of the humanitarian, development and peace nexus.
IOM continues to be one of the largest agencies responding to crisis situations worldwide, including conflict, violence, slow- and sudden-onset disasters and epidemics.
The full text of the report is available in the attached document.