20-22 October: In Padua, an Educational Seminar for European Ombudsmen on the Theme of Unaccompanied Minors.

The fifth and final seminar of the 2009 ‘Peer to Peer’ project, financed by the European Union and Council of Europe, took place in Padua between the 20th and 22nd of October. The theme of the seminar was on ‘The protection of separated and unaccompanied minors, and the role of national institutions for human rights and the assistance of minors.’ The overall project, managed by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua and the Director-General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe, aims to create and supplement an active network of national institutions for human rights. The program of educational seminars was organized in Italy, Hungary, and the Russian Federation.
Representatives of ombudsmen and ombudsmen for children from 25 European nations, both members and non-members of the European Union, participated in the seminar in Padua. At the event, there were among others the respective chief guardian of minors of Ireland and Croatia, the public guardian of minors of the Region of Veneto, as well as the National Coordinator of the Conference of Regional Civic Defenders – all actively participated in and contributed to the seminars programme.