21 September 2014: Campaign “#condividiAmolapace?” (shallwesharepeace?)

21 September 2014: Campaign “#condividiAmolapace?”

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September.

To mark the 30th anniversary of the General Assembly Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace (1984), the theme chosen by the UN for this year is the “Right of Peoples to Peace”.

The National Civil Service Volunteers at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua are very pleased to invite you to attend and to spread through your own networks (e-mail contacts, Facebook, Twitter, web site, blog…) the campaign:

#condividiAmolapace?  (shallwesharepeace?)

On 21 September, copy and paste on your personal profile the text below and share Peace:

#condividiAmolapace #Peace #Paz #Paix #Friede #мир #mir #Paqe #vrede #fred #kapayapaan #rauha #ความสงบสุข #pokój #mír #ειρήνη #barış #和平 #平和 #평화 #Amani #سلام #امن #शांति #béke #solh #שָׁלוֹם

The initiative joins the International Campaign for the recognition of the human right to peace, promoted by the Human Rights Centre and the UNESCO Chair "Human Rights, Democracy and Peace" of the University of Padua.

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