24 October 2013: mobilization in Verona in the context of the First Week of Global Action for the institution of a World Parliament

In the contest of the first Global Week of Action for the institution of a World Parliament, organized throughout the world from 17 to 24 October 2013, a mobilization will take place in Verona, where citizens and civil society groups will be protagosist in the request of the establishment of a World Parliament.
They will create a "human chain" in front of the Arena of Verona with the words "World Parliament Now" in order to raise public awareness on this issue. The willingness is to ask the international community to let people decide, through a Parliamentary Assembly, which will evolve into a directly elected Parliament that progressively will integrate the UN General Assembly, currently only expression of Governments.
The sit-in will take place on October, Thursday 24th 2013, at 17.30, in front of the Arena of Verona, in Piazza Bra. Anyone wishing to participate is invited to go directly to the place of the initiative at the time indicated.
Similar events will be held in 60 other cities around the world , from Sydney to Buenos Aires, from Toronto to Tokyo via Guadalajara , Nairobi , Dubai and Mumbai and also in Europe : Barcelona, Berlin, Gothenburg, Brussels. In Italy, Genoa, Rome, Verona, Salsomaggiore, Pescara, Novara and Forlì have already announced participation to the mobilization .
These appointments are organised during the first week of global action for a World Parliament, during which citizens and civil society groups have organized activities and events to request the establishment of a World Parliament. The "Global Week of Action for a World Parliament " is promoted by the Campaign for the Parliamentary Assembly of the United Nations and it is organized by pro-democracy activists and the international world federalism .
The goal is to globally promote democracy, starting with the establishment of a World Parliament as a first step for the democratization of the United Nations.