29th Isodarco Winter Course on "Nuclear governance in a changing world", Andalo (Italy), 7-14 January 2016

Isodarco (International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts) will launch the 29th ISODARCO Winter Course on “Nuclear Governance in A Changing World” from the 7th to the 14th January 2016, in Andalo (Trento) Italy.
Isodarco is a non-government organization founded in 1966 by two Italian physics professors, Edoardo Amaldi and Carlo Schaerf. It aims at offering a unique international forum on security problems throughout the world. Until now, ISODARCO has already held 28 winter courses and 24 summer courses, mainly in Italy, and more than 15 seminars in Beijing and Taipei with participants from almost sixty countries.
The coming Winter Course on “Nuclear Governance in A Changing World” aims at analyzing some of the key issues concerning nuclear weapons, advancing awareness and understanding on such critical and topical problems, and offering perspectives in both global and regional security. The course will be hosted by the Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf from University of Rome "Tor Vergata"; the Directors of the Course:Paolo Foradori from the School of International Studies, University of Trento; and Tariq Rauf from the SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). The course will be articulated in formal lectures, round tables, seminars offered by the participants and general open discussions.
English will be the working language of the course. On-line application is available now, applicants who need a visa to come to Italy should apply to Isodarco by October 12th, 2015, and applicants who do not need a visa should apply by November 9th, 2015. The further details about principal lecturers and payment of participant fee can be found here: http://www.isodarco.it/courses/andalo16/andalo16.html.