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9-11 June 2009: in Padua an Educational Seminar for European Ombudsmen on the Theme of the Fight Against Terrorism and the Defence of Human Rights

The third seminar of the project “Peer to Peer,” financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe, will be organized on 9-11 June 2009 in Padova on the “Role of the National Structures for Human Rights Regarding the Measures Against Terrorism.”

The Project, managed by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua and by the Director General of the Human Rights and Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe, aims to create and assist an active network of national institutions for human rights. The educational seminars are organized in Italy, Hungary, and the Russian Federation.

At the seminar in Padua, the ombudsmen and the national commissions for human rights of around 20 European countries, both members and non members of the European Union, are expected to participate.

The conclusive seminar of the project “Peer to Peer” 2009 will be held in Padova between 20 and 22 October and will trace the role of ombudsmen and ombudsmen for children regarding unaccompanied minors.

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