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European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights 2021 Annual Report

The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) has published its annual report “Enforcing human rights through legal means ECCHR” on its accomplishments in the field of human rights in 2021.  

ECCHR is an independent, non-profit legal and educational organisation committed to enforcing civil and human rights globally. It has been working since 2007 and its main focus is to protect the rights guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, other human rights declarations and national constitutions, through legal means.

The report covers five main areas of research including international crimes and accountability, business and human rights, imagining collective futures; migration, and institute for legal intervention. Additionally, it provides readers with a list of ECCHR legal interventions, ongoing cases and projects, which can be easily visualised on the attached world map. Each part is presented together with experts’ comments, interviews and victims’ testimonies. The report is enriched with the works of an Eritrean artist - Aida Silvestri.

As reported by the ECCHR, “not everything has gotten worse” and human rights are gaining ground in various aspects. Nevertheless, there is still space for improvement. The ECCHR recognises the struggles that come along with it but believes that with the right support they can make a change. Besides the main areas of interest mentioned above, the organisation brings attention to current matters, such as the right to health or climate justice

The full text of the report is available here