human rights

AGIRE. Austria, Greece, Italy and Romania. Acting to implement partnership between public and private subjects for the identification and the support of children which are victims or at risk of trafficking in Europe.

Logo del progetto AGIRE coordinato da Save the Children Italia ONLUS e ospitato dal Centro Diritti Umani dell'Università di Padova (2010)

The Human Right Centre, in the framework of the Project AGIRE, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by Save the Children Italy ONLUS, has hosted an educational seminar on the trafficking of children from 5 to 8 of July 2010, for subjects which are effectively involved in the prevention and in the fight against trafficking of human beings, as well as in the protection of victims.

The Project AGIRE is specifically aimed at reinforcing the cooperation between public and private subjects for the identification and the support of children which are victims or at risk of trafficking in Europe, particularly in those countries which are partners of the project, such as Austria, Greece, Italy and Romania, through the development of a methodology based on the rights of children and through the fulfilment of multi-agencies educational activities.

In Italy, the project partners are the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Region of Veneto, the Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples of the University of Padua and the Central Operational Service of the State’s Police.

In the framework of the Project a research has been realized, aimed at knowing the main profiles of those children which are victims of trafficking and exploitation, followed by the elaboration of markers which can be applied in the phase of the well-timed identification of victims. Besides, operational procedures for the identification and the support of these children have been debugged , also with the commitment of subjects which work directly on the territory.

The main purpose of the educational seminar is to enforce the capacity of public and private subjects to identify those children victims or at risk of trafficking and heavy exploitation and to support them with procedures of taking charge and assistance by the territorial services.

Through a specific educational manual, the partecipants will get general information on trafficking and on existing tool for the protection of the victims in Italy. During the meetings, it will also be used a methodological tool which will help for the formulation of the first evaluation concerning the possibility of being in front of a victim of trafficking or heavy exploitation, and for the procedures to follow in order to ensure a first taking in charge and the assistance in the full respect of the rights of children.



Children trafficking in human beings human rights Italy