Calls for Abstracts: Educational and school inclusion in the European framework - Minority Reports. Cultural Disability Studies. Deadline: 30 September 2020

The journal Minority Reports. Cultural Disability Studies devotes the monographic issue 13 / II 2021 to the topic of school and educational inclusion of the students with disability in different European countries. For the moment, the Italian context is excluded, as a specific issue will be dedicated to Italian scholars’ contributions on inclusion.
Contributions having a sociological, pedagogical, historical, anthropological, juridical, economic organisation, psychological facet will be accepted. The abstracts shall be in English and contain between 500 and 800 words, they shall include bibliographic references, as well as a structured summary of the contribution: purposes and relevance of the topic, a description of and a preliminary reflection on the methodology followed, and eventually the enquiry techniques used with a view to highlight and support the topics dealt with by within the contribution.
The abstracts shall be sent to by 30 September 2020.
Minority Reports. Cultural Disability Studies is an academic journal of the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples. It’s a space of research and discussion on cultural codes, social practices and the governance arrangements of disability. The journal aims to contribute to the drafting of minority reports through in-depth analysis, the retrieval of studies, documents, doodles, images and other non-definable a priori findings; useful for an analysis of the forces capable of giving form to dissent, shaping the degree of freedom and imagining multiple, various and possible futures.
For further information on deadlines and procedure please see the attached document below.