Combating Hate Crime and supporting its victims in cooperation with civil society: The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopts a new Recommendation to its 46 Member States

A Recommendation on preventing and combating hate crime, including its investigation, recording and victim support was adopted unanimously on 7 May 2024 in Strasbourg by the representatives of 46 European Countries, members of the Council of Europe.
This newly adopted text builds on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and asks States to take all necessary measures and dedicate sufficient resources to prevent and combat hate crime and support its victims, in cooperation with civil society and other stakeholders.
Among the key recommendations provided by this new Recommendation, we can read the request that public officials condemn instances of hate crime; that member states ensure educational institutions and teachers’ contribution to the development of a culture of inclusiveness; and that internet service providers identify and address hate crimes.
A specific focus is dedicated to the role of civil society, recommending Member States to promote a safe and inclusive online and offline civic space in which civil society organisations working in the area of hate crime can operate, and to adequately fund such organisations in order for them to provide effective support and protection from threats and attacks against victims.